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Global warming: Real or Fraud?

Global Warming: Real or Fraud?

  • Real

    Votes: 58 75.3%
  • Fraud

    Votes: 19 24.7%

  • Total voters


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Feb 2, 2008
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Recently there was a bunch of emails leaked from a leading global research center on climate change. what is YOUR take?

EDIT: I vote fraud
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I read a story on that, in the Globe I think. It seems that the hackers cherry-picked only the information that discredited global warming and deliberately ignored the rest of it.
RealClimate did a nice job of discussing the 'hacks':

More interesting is what is not contained in the emails. There is no evidence of any worldwide conspiracy, no mention of George Soros nefariously funding climate research, no grand plan to ‘get rid of the MWP’, no admission that global warming is a hoax, no evidence of the falsifying of data, and no ‘marching orders’ from our socialist/communist/vegetarian overlords. The truly paranoid will put this down to the hackers also being in on the plot though.

Instead, there is a peek into how scientists actually interact and the conflicts show that the community is a far cry from the monolith that is sometimes imagined. People working constructively to improve joint publications; scientists who are friendly and agree on many of the big picture issues, disagreeing at times about details and engaging in ‘robust’ discussions; Scientists expressing frustration at the misrepresentation of their work in politicized arenas and complaining when media reports get it wrong; Scientists resenting the time they have to take out of their research to deal with over-hyped nonsense. None of this should be shocking.

But, yeah, sure, fraud. I vote fraud. I may not have a fancy doctorate degree or peer-reviewed published papers or experiments but I sure have read some stuff on some websites and that's all the proof I need.

(Hydrogen doesn't post here anymore, does he?)
In the late 80's what were the predictions for what would happen to ocean levels, and average temperature by 2010? How close has reality matched up to the theory?... what are they currently predicting for 25 years into the future? My guess is that 25 years from now things will change just about as much as they have in the last 25 years.
I was hoping most people here would know it was a scam. don't give into the media! The media is controlled by big money making scams. this a huge scam going on that will negatively effect us all through CARBON TAX. Al gore is the biggest part of this scam claiming that Carbon Dioxide is responsible for causing the world to heat up. They create the illusion that all scientists agree on global warming but that's NOT TRUE. OVER 300,000 scientists agree. but anytime one would come out against it they would immediately shut him down by saying he's being paid by the oil companies to do it. Even though scientists are being paid to pretend there's global warming.

THIS IS A SCAM. Carbon Dioxide is what we exhale and it's what plants breath. Just like plants make oxygen and it's what we breath. The carbon tax is meant to be a global tax through the NWO that will TAX you on the carbon dioxide you exhale. have kids? taxed they exhale it. Have pets? taxed.

I know you've probably gone through a lot of your life thinking global warming is a well-known fact. So did i! Try to be open minded please just for a bit. Give it a chance and you'll see. I know you probably want to deny it but trust me if you open your mind you'll thank yourself.

BTW It was admitted that these emails we're real and stolen. These emails prove that not only it's a scam(which we already knew) but that it's done on purpose. The media is currently trying to make it seem like the emails were "misinterpreted" and they may do other things to make it seem like it's not legit. So please don't go to the TV or your friends to try and find reassurance that global warming is real if you don't want to believe it. that'l just put you back in a world of deception.

All i'm asking is do yourself a favor and do some good research! The internet is not controlled by the government which is why it's the BEST place to find the truth.

BTW the government wants to shut down the current internet and replace it with something called 'Internet2' which will cost more(of course) and will only have a couple thousands websites and will be under government control. hmmm I WONDER WHY? maybe they don't want the truth getting out? don't beleive me? look it up.
THIS IS A SCAM. Carbon Dioxide is what we exhale and it's what plants breath. Just like plants make oxygen and it's what we breath. The carbon tax is meant to be a global tax through the NWO that will TAX you on the carbon dioxide you exhale. have kids? taxed they exhale it. Have pets? taxed.


BTW the government wants to shut down the current internet and replace it with something called 'Internet2' which will cost more(of course) and will only have a couple thousands websites and will be under government control. hmmm I WONDER WHY? maybe they don't want the truth getting out? don't beleive me? look it up.

Wow...the amount of misinformation in just one post is pretty impressive, really.

Do you know how the carbon tax will work? Do you think that Canada Revenue Agency officials are going to be walking around with carbon dioxide detectors, ready to tax anything they find? I'm not even going to get into the Internet2 stuff.
9/11 was an inside job! Where's the birth certificate? Hillary killed Vince Foster! Man never landed on the moooooon can't you tell WHY IS THE FLAG WAVING IN THE WIND. There is no WIND ON THE MOOOOOOON.
THIS IS A SCAM. Carbon Dioxide is what we exhale and it's what plants breath. Just like plants make oxygen and it's what we breath. The carbon tax is meant to be a global tax through the NWO that will TAX you on the carbon dioxide you exhale. have kids? taxed they exhale it. Have pets? taxed.

Are you for real? Wow, that is impossible. The amount of carbon dioxide exhaled is negligible in comparison to the amount cars/planes/industries/etc. emit. :eek:
9/11 was an inside job! Where's the birth certificate? Hillary killed Vince Foster! Man never landed on the moooooon can't you tell WHY IS THE FLAG WAVING IN THE WIND. There is no WIND ON THE MOOOOOOON.


I had the exact same thoughts. Maybe you could add that the royal family had Diana killed...

Anytime someone mentions NWO (New World Order), I just roll my eyes and sigh.
global warming is a fraud because there is no globe! the earth is flat i tells ya!


Anytime someone mentions NWO (New World Order), I just roll my eyes and sigh.

you beat me to it. you know information is credible when it mentions the new world order. :D

also, were those predictions in the late 80's saying that we would be experiencing flooded cities, etc. by 2010 made by scientists? (real ones with a reputation to protect) or were they made by media outlets and hacks seeking attention?
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Sorry that was just me ranting in my own words. don't take my word for it. I just ask that you be open minded and research things.

And I know people laugh at the new world order stuff. but I thought i'd mention it since it's openly being announced. maybe i shouldn't of mentioned that since it's off-topic.

Anyway back to global warming. here's an interesting video again by alex jones just posted today on Infowars:

Global warming is pretty much exposed. take a look at the evidence.. really. It's been admitted and Al gore has been caught too many times.

the stolen documents and emails(confirmed to be real) can be downloaded here:
Of course it's real. All you have to do is look at the temperature data over the last 20,000 years. How can one claim it isn't real ... there was 2 miles of ice sitting on top of Toronto back then!

Surely the question isn't whether it's real or fraud; but what are the causes, is it natural or man-made, and is it increasing or not.
I did i'm always skeptical about people at first and do research on them now and then to see what others have to say. And i found no conclusive results really. I know a lot of people want to find reasons to say he's full of shit..

After watching 2 of his recent videos a long with many of his radio broadcasts, there's so much convincing evidence and he's exploited so many things the governments doing. SO much and it all makes perfect sense. And the government has no better defense then to make up lies constantly.

He's had SO many credible people on his show from scientists, authors, professors, Investment officers, historians etc. that's just within the past couple months. They all support him.

The global warming thing is funny because it's been exposed.. just search "Climate-Gate" on youtube and watch some vids. or anything about global warming/con artist Al gore.

nfitz there's a lot of fake data about temperature trends going around everywhere. Scientist paid by the UN have been releasing false temperature trends. That appears to be legitimately part of this huge scam.
