Excellent! That's what appears on Google, but reading the Brampton Planning Report addendum, it appeared that it might be discontinuous. There's something extra added to the experience when you cross under a bridge and suddenly emerge 'somewhere else'. Technically, you've left the city, achieved 'escape velocity'. Unfortunately, the maps displayed in the report are not that legible. If someone has access to better ones, please post, it looks really promising. It's a great way to introduce beginners to 'escape on a bike'. I just pray they don't 'sanitize' the paths.The Humber Trail continues paved across Highway 427 and to the dam now. I did it last fall.
Shon Tron: Are you up on the latest developments on the G2G Trail? I got misled last Summer living in Guelph from this headline:
May 01, 2015
Guelph to Goderich super trail set to be completed this summer
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