Fresh Start
The only press release on the Police site regarding G20 arrests concerns the British prank filmmaker who was charged with "impersonating a police officer" for jokingly telling a security guard that he was an undercover cop acting as an agent provocateur.
Over a 1000 arrests and the ONLY announcement of formal charges from the cops is some prankster who is guilty of having a poor sense of humour?
Aww yeah, nothing like cops getting rough and cocky with people who won't do anything, but they're nowhere to be seen when the real a-holes are out in full force!
Maybe this kind of crap worked when there was no digital media, but their game is up this time. The whole world saw them do jack on Saturday but have a completely unreasonable reaction to protesters on Sunday.
I think they're dumber than they think they are, but clearly they were smart enough to sacrifice their crummy Crown Victoria cruisers because they know with the excessive amount of money they got for their piss-poor performance, they can now get some of those fancy new Charger cruisers.
I don't support the thugs or the rabble rousers but I strongly support those who wanted to protest to voice their displeasure with the G-20 and its agenda.