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Forum Age Demographics?

How old are you?

  • <18

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • 18-27

    Votes: 10 23.3%
  • 28-37

    Votes: 13 30.2%
  • 38-47

    Votes: 10 23.3%
  • 48-57

    Votes: 6 14.0%
  • 58-67

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • 68-77

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • >77

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I took young women to the Gladstone Art Bar to listen to solo, acoustic performances...........

Or to the COC..........

Yeah, I don't see the problem. Show ends at 22:00...perfect time to head over to the rave...or in later years, back to your place for a quick drink or "drink" and then over to the party.

The only dances I typically abided were the ones for Rovers @ Scouts camps I got dragged to in my youth.
Two-stepping at the Scouts camp? Nice one! ;)
Wow, haven’t tuned in since 2002(?) when my DnB spinning days peaked.

As I'm reading this, I'm looking at your name and then thinking......why would Marcus Sills (as in Marcus Visionary) be an a_j? And did his DJing days peak in 2002 or was he not with his own show on Kool London in the last ten years.

You're not THAT Marcus.....right? Right?

Anyway, get back on it.....the show never stopped!
As I'm reading this, I'm looking at your name and then thinking......why would Marcus Sills (as in Marcus Visionary) be an a_j? And did his DJing days peak in 2002 or was he not with his own show on Kool London in the last ten years.

You're not THAT Marcus.....right? Right?

Anyway, get back on it.....the show never stopped!
Hehe, no, I’m not that Marcus. Though I’ve used this handle since about 2000, so MV could have been an inspiration. There were many Junglist Movement, Droppin’ Beats, Turbo, System nights back then....hard to remember what was what during those days. Playing records was more of a hobby for me, but I was inspired by a lot of the local guys back then like Marcus, Lush, Mystical, Capital J and Freaky Flow. Now I’m more into deep house when I listen to electronic music.

As this is a thread on age demographics, I bumped into one of my OAC geography teachers at the 2000 Freakin’ party @ BLC. The following Monday morning in class was interesting (half the class seemed to be at the party too).
Hehe, no, I’m not that Marcus. Though I’ve used this handle since about 2000, so MV could have been an inspiration. There were many Junglist Movement, Droppin’ Beats, Turbo, System nights back then....hard to remember what was what during those days.
Yeah, fair enough.

Turbo was such a dope venue. RIP

Playing records was more of a hobby for me, but I was inspired by a lot of the local guys back then like Marcus, Lush, Mystical, Capital J and Freaky Flow.
Lush is still going strong. Producing choons now. J was touring in Asia a lot last few years. Marcus was in London for a while but is back now.
No idea what Mystical Inf. and Freaky Flow are up to. Haven't seen either one in yeeeeaaaaars.

As this is a thread on age demographics, I bumped into one of my OAC geography teachers at the 2000 Freakin’ party @ BLC. The following Monday morning in class was interesting (half the class seemed to be at the party too).
hahaha, that's amazing. How old was your teacher at the time?
Turbo and brown 2Pacs....oh man. But ya, it was a really good venue. Seemed to be one of the first to close up unfortunately. I pretty much stopped going to any of the main clubs once I started going to school in Waterloo Sept. 2001.

hahaha, that's amazing. How old was your teacher at the time?

Mid-to-late twenties I think? He was more into techno and trance.
Turbo and brown 2Pacs....oh man. But ya, it was a really good venue. Seemed to be one of the first to close up unfortunately. I pretty much stopped going to any of the main clubs once I started going to school in Waterloo Sept. 2001.
Turbo closed in.....2005, maybe early 2006.

Actually 2005-2007 was the end of many a venue. :(

Mid-to-late twenties I think? He was more into techno and trance.
That's dope though that you ran into him there.

I'll probably eventually run into one of my nieces or nephews at some festival or something....and I'll be waaaay older than mid-to-late twenties. ;)
I will be 39 in August. Where did the time go?
I'll be 50 in March. My advice; plan where you want to be at 49 and build the steps backwards to today. Then get started, and keep checking your progress against this list.

If I could give my 39 y/o self some advice back in Jan 2011....
  1. Ditch toxic friends, acquaintances and family. Anyone who demeans you or knocks you down, or blocks your list of "By 49" goals is out.
  2. The grass is not always greener. Do not jump from job to job so quickly, stick it out in a job you may hate, and develop a long term career strategy, moving to a new job only if it's a step in that strategy.
  3. Join more clubs and associations, get away from the screen time, make real friends.
  4. Save 10% of every pay cheque into RSPs. Invest into low fee ETFs sooner.
  5. Cut discretionary spending and acquisition. Don't eat out so often, and stop buying so much stuff.
  6. Escape sentimentality and nostalgia. Instead focus on enjoying the moment and planning for tomorrow.
  7. Minimize and declutter, brutally so. I opened my kitchen cupboards and today see at least a half dozen teapots, because my family violated #6. My wife wants to keep her late grandmother's teapots. I should have taken a stand. We have shelves upon shelves of items, books and toys we don't use, my kids are almost adults now, but we keep onto old toys because of nostalgic feelings.
  8. Understand and accept the sunk cost fallacy. Don't use the excuse of past investment of time, talent or treasure to expend more of the same into relationships, employers, projects, vehicles, hobbies or anything else unless it's supporting your "By 49" goals.
  9. Sell the vintage motorcycle, as you've violated #5 and #8 too long already. Buy a dirt bike, ride it, and when it breaks, dispose of it.
  10. Travel more to visit family (those you like)
  11. Start your own business earlier, on the side as a parachute for when your career violates the "By 49" goals
  12. Get fit, run, swim, something regular and active.

As a 49 year old looking at the next decade, here's my advice to myself right now.
  1. Continue to ditch toxic people. Reevaluate who's in your life every six months. Cull the rubbish people, and find and embrace new friendships
  2. Stick with your employer (it's a good one, on goal), build your own business, be ready to launch by age 55.
  3. Once Covid is gone, continue to join clubs, make more friends and especially limit screen time.
  4. Really, this time I meant it, save 10% of every pay cheque into RSPs.
  5. Brutal, ruthless culling of sentimentality and nostalgia, spousal relationship permitting. Minimize the weight of objects and clutter in the house.
  6. Get my kids through university and employed.
  7. Continue to embrace the sunk cost fallacy. Don't throw good time, talent or treasure after bad.
  8. Buy a vintage motorcycle, but recognize it as a hobby with a set budget, not a conveyance. Have a second modern bike for the latter.
  9. Travel a lot more, my 50s will be the decade I hope to have the health, finances and time to tour the world with my wife.
  10. Get fit! Focus on cardio, balance and flexibility.
Let's talk again in ten years when you're 49 and I'm 59.
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I'll be 50 in March. My advice; plan where you want to be at 49 and build the steps backwards to today. Then get started, and keep checking your progress against this list.
That is some capital advice! Nice one.

If I could give my 39 y/o self some advice back in Jan 2011....
  1. Ditch toxic friends, acquaintances and family. Anyone who demeans you or knocks you down, or blocks your list of "By 49" goals is out.
This may be the single most important thing in your list. Toxic people do more than just slow one down, they are a detriment to one's character and soul.

  1. The grass is not always greener. Do not jump from job to job so quickly, stick it out in a job you may hate, and develop a long term career strategy, moving to a new job only if it's a step in that strategy.
Also excellent advice! Many of my peers don't have the patience to stick with a job for more than a few years if their self-entitlement tells them that they should already be being paid more, for example. Too many of my friends think like this, it's sad.
I've been in the same job for 20 years. I'm 35. I should be able to partially retire at 45. I've worked my way up from being a labourer to being a potential co-owner of the business. My pay packet has gone up very steadily to the point that I have almost entirely always been the highest-paid amongst my crew of friends which was only possible because I stuck with it and didn't move around on every whim.

  1. Join more clubs and associations, get away from the screen time, make real friends.
Solid, but I personally have found it much harder to make new friends since about my late 20s.

  1. Save 10% of every pay cheque into RSPs. Invest into low fee ETFs sooner.

....don't ask if this is possible; it is, one just has to want to take it seriously.

  1. Get fit, run, swim, something regular and active.
A healthy body is a healthy mind is a healthy body. :D

I hope you achieve your goals! :D
