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Fords Working to Fire Webster, Stintz, Scrap Streetcars: Star

Urban myth department.

Eh... Every Transit System is designed to handle peak capacity. A good number of buses and rail vehicles will remain idle outside the peak hours. The streetcars are packed during peak hours, and you'll need 2-3 buses to replace one streetcar. That is a lot more vehicles required to share already congested roads.

The TTC states that their crowding standard for a CLRV is 74 riders, for a bus 48. It follows that in the peak period 3 busses would be required to replace 2 streetcars, offpeak it can be 1:1. Again, not my numbers, talk to the TTC.
Beyond his own claims, does anyone actually know someone who has received a return call from Mr. Ford? He is so quick to point out that he is always receiving calls lauding whatever particular decision he seems to have made that day, but not one person that I know has ever had their call returned by the mayor, or even when he was a councillor.

FWIW, my mother sent an email complaining about the grocery bag fees and quickly got an email back, the first couple of paragraphs were clearly personally written. I guess they could have been by a staff member but it wasn't just a rote response. I feel like if this were an outright lie The Toronto Star would be reporting it every day. Really, as this whole thing shows, it's the least of the issues...
Nope. I took the streetcar last night to get to the Open Roof Festival (I'm from Woodbridge). I'd help Toronto fight tooth and nail to save them. Just let me know when and where. :D

Lol. It's unfortunate you can't vote in a Toronto election!
I just read the Star article.
Joe Mihevc is the only named source, all others are anonymous which leaves me to wonder if the whole tempest in a tea cup is a manifestation of the newspapers pique that the Mayor wont even talk to them. Karen Stinz is quoted but only on peripheral subjects.

The whole thing is weird but if Webster goes so maybe also should the next 2 or 3 levels of management to get the attention of those remaining who actually run the TTC anyway.
If the Ford brothers want to replace the Webster with someone who is more pro-Sheppard, fine. But for the love of God don't (A) rip up the entire streetcar network and (B) don't cancel Eglinton!
I can't understand why Ford would cancel Eglinton given that he got what he wanted: a full subway. When the ribbon is cut, he can claim he delivered a subway like he promised -- even though the vehicles will look different. People will be too distracted by the shininess of the whole thing to realize it's not a "real" subway.

I questioned Ford's ability to rip up the streetcar network but given that he convinced his ass-kissers in council to vote to spend $200,000 on removing the Jarvis bike lanes that cost $60,000 to put up, I don't put anything beyond him trying.

However, let's look at reality here: Replacing the streetcar network would come in over $1B. I can't imagine how he'd come up with that money, from anybody. Both Harper and Hudak would laugh him out of their office.

Closing the streetcar network by neglect will result in declining service that millions will notice. Remember: not only downtowners use streetcars. Suburbanites coming to work and play here do too.

I really can't imagine a scenario where Ford could close down the streetcar network in one term or even two (God help us).
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I keep reading about Ford is going to rip up existing track or Ford is going to replace existing streetcars routes with busses. Are these statements only assumptions or can they be substantiated with actual literal quotes?
correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression it was against the law to move your vehicle after a collision, unless an officer shows up and says it's ok.

If drivable, the drivers pull over to the side of the road, shoulder, side street, or out of traffic to exchange information. Then they have 24 hours to report the "incident" to one of two COLLISION REPORTING CENTRES (used to be 3).

The exceptions are:
  • Collisions involving injury or death.
  • Criminal activity involved in collisions (e.g., impaired driving, stolen vehicle, assault, etc.).
  • Collisions involving federal, provincial or municipal vehicles (including transit vehicles).
  • Collisions involving a person who is uninsured or is a suspended driver.
  • Collisions involving vehicles transporting dangerous goods.
  • Collisions involving damage to private, municipal or highway property.
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If drivable, the drivers pull over to the side of the road, shoulder, side street, or out of traffic to exchange information. Then they have 24 hours to report the "incident" to one of two.
The exceptions are:

You can also move when it's just too dangerous to leave your car where it is. Several years ago I was in an accident on Dufferin at Keywest. This is at the bottom of a hill. No one could see the accident until they crested the hill which left about 2 to 4 seconds to react and avoid smashing into me. I moved my car out of the centre lane onto the side street. The other vehicle elected not to move. It was rear ended about three minutes later by a car going way over the speed limit who had no chance of stopping.
I generally try to be fair and objective, even to the brothers Ford, but this is beyond the pale. These two tin-pot dictators should be told, by the people, that this city is not their personal fiefdom to play with as they please. They are elected representataives of a city that belongs to its residents, not CEO's of a company owned by their family. And the rest of the elected representatives on Council had better start doing their jobs, standing up for this city, instead of following meekly at the dictators' heels like whipped puppies. And the people had better start realising what they've unleashed on this city before it's too late. This is no longer about "respect for the taxpayer" or "stopping the gravy train." This is now about the Ford family telling everyone that they OWN this city and giving everyone who disagrees with them the finger. With all the rampant self-absorption among the voters today, I fear that there just aren't enough people in this city who actually care enough about it to stop them.
Aren't the new streetcars paid by the province by 1/3 (or maybe 2/3). The province will never agree to this

As soon as I read the thread I thought of the exact same thing.
I thought that the streetcars were already payed for? Also I thought they were mostly paid for by Queen's Park. There is no way in hell that the province would purchase streetcars for the TTC and then allow the City to turn around and sell them and keep the money.
Can someone tell me how the streetcars were paid for and how he could save any money if he ripped up the streetcar routes with hundreds of streetcars in the garage?
I'm confused.
I don't know what I'm more appalled about:

The obvious bias and poor reporting by the star (obviously to be inflammatory), or the naivety of the readers...

anyone that rides the street cars will trade in those moving stop signs for subways any day/night. Took me half an hour (including waiting time) to commute vs a 10 min bike ride, and maybe a 25 min walk...
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