Developer: Brookfield Property Partners
Architect: Moed de Armas & Shannon, B+H Architects
Address: 100 King Street West, Toronto
Category: Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2012
Height: 978 ft / 298.08 mStoreys: 72 storeys
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Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects

In the end, the reclad turned out great, except for the podium which I wish they kept as marble.

Here's hoping that some form of a light installation can still be added to the project.
My understanding is that they decided against the light installation for the moment.

We put in a pilot section (what you see in that photo), but it was difficult to install and interacted poorly with the window washing equipment. I think cost / timing was also an issue for Brookfield. Material access to FCP's roof is already extremely difficult (there is a tiny staircase and tiny elevator), and they were also concurrently doing the overhaul to the gigantic air exchangers on the roof.
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Ah, very interesting! Thanks for that.
I'm more disappointed with the logo actually, as it's not very sharp to the eye when you're looking at it or taking photos. Just sort of a blob of light that you can just make out what it says.
Huge improvement up the tower, pretty awful at the base (where did all the marble go?), missed opportunities to add decorative lighting.
I believe the lighting is on hold for now, or indefinitely. Who knows. I'd really love if they could invest into consolidating the mess of antennae into one cohesive spire (obviously with the same antennae capabilities). That of course is, likely, never to happen though.
I believe the lighting is on hold for now, or indefinitely. Who knows. I'd really love if they could invest into consolidating the mess of antennae into one cohesive spire (obviously with the same antennae capabilities). That of course is, likely, never to happen though.
FCP could have tall white spires like the ones atop Willis/Sears Tower.
FCP could have tall white spires like the ones atop Willis/Sears Tower.

Bingo, this sorta thing. Willis Tower didn't add those on until later so who knows. Raise the parapet by 2m and create a decent antennae array and its a supertall with some decent looks
Bingo, this sorta thing. Willis Tower didn't add those on until later so who knows. Raise the parapet by 2m and create a decent antennae array and its a supertall with some decent looks

First Canadian Place with Willis Tower Spires.png


  • First Canadian Place with Willis Tower Spires.png
    First Canadian Place with Willis Tower Spires.png
    888.4 KB · Views: 3,078
I think of they were platinum or steel they'd suit the building much better. I always imagined something a bit more like the current antenna at One World Trade Center.
