Developer: Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario
Address: Eglinton Ave W & Emmett Ave, Toronto
Category: Transit
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): N/A
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Toronto Eglinton Line 5 Crosstown West Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx


They tend to be used for local service or in far more far flung suburban areas, or again to supplement existing Metro Lines. Look at Paris.

Don't think the decision makers (IE. Doug Ford) would be using public transit in foreign cities like Paris, when they travel. Closest for them would be the tour buses or taxis.
Council were able to lock out Ford and force a return to Transit City - surely they could have force the elevated option on Eglinton whether Ford liked it or not.

The entire council is a joke with career politicians filled with their own agendas as far as I'm concerned

That describes politicians at virtually every level of government.

Transit expansion was best when the city was in charge.
Yes, city level transit expansion - Let's make a bunch of Streetcar routes and call it rapid transit, what an amazing plan.

What's the problem with providing the type of transit that will result in the highest levels of ridership?

Can't be in charge if you're unwilling to pay for it. You forfeit that power for someone else to grab it.

Again, look at TTC history and you'll see it was at it's best when the city was in charge.

Increasing provincial interference and disbanding the Metro government has led to increasingly worse outcomes.

Includes this map:

View attachment 287493

God, tunneling the portion from Renforth to Martin Grove is such a waste of money.... I cant get over this.

I bet the line could be completed to Pearson in one go if they did that section at-grade with the money saved.

Could you imagine proposing to tunnel here

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God, tunneling the portion from Renforth to Martin Grove is such a waste of money.... I cant get over this.

I bet the line could be completed to Pearson in one go if they did that section at-grade with the money saved.

It’s a done deal, but yeah, dwelling on this every so often can’t be bad....

The only saving grace is that the project has only one insertion shaft and one extraction shaft. The linear boring is not that expensive once the TBM is committed. The location of the shafts means they will be fairly unintrusive, sort of anyways.

Putting aside the merits of surface vs underground, I cannot get over the general premise (now universal for the new projects) that deep bore tunnelling is preferable to cut and cover. Did Crosstown not prove anything? The political impacts of rolling cut and cover, with shallower station and fire shafts that are quicker and cheaper to build, versus the seven year plus hell that has been Eglinton....I get it for the downtown, but otherwise....

But I’m likely preaching to the choir....

- Paul
God, tunneling the portion from Renforth to Martin Grove is such a waste of money.... I cant get over this.

I bet the line could be completed to Pearson in one go if they did that section at-grade with the money saved.

Could you imagine proposing to tunnel here

View attachment 287500

There has to be a clearance height (likely the height of the lamp poles) for the catenary wires.


From link.
