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News   Oct 16, 2024
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News   Oct 16, 2024
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Does anyone recommend buying a condo at CityPlace?

You are correct in that you can't believe what you read. But apparently there is this website that is DEVOTED to complaints against Cityplace and people calling it "shittyplace". How a development can get such a bad rep I do not know. From security to shoddy building materials to poor management, there seems to be a lot of complaints.

From what I heard about Cityplace when the news first came out there was a LOT of excitement because of the HK billionaire Li Ka Shing because everything he touched turned to gold. Now that he has sold Concord Adex, I wonder if the new owners have a different philosophy to building, I mean turning everything into cookie cutter units for the sake of sales. I would be interested to know in your professional circles what the reputation of Concord Adex is now because you are at the ground floor with the customers and how satisfied they are about their purchases.

AFAIK, HK billionaire Li Ka Shing was never involved with CP; however, his son was.

where did you hear Concord Adex was sold, and to whom?
i have friends who have bought and rented in CP, and all had negative remarks and couldn't wait until their lease expired or have sold their unit.

alot of the appeal of CP seems to be from foreign asian investors, where they compare the costs there to here, so in their eyes it is cheap.
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AFAIK, HK billionaire Li Ka Shing was never involved with CP; however, his son was.

where did you hear Concord Adex was sold, and to whom?
i have friends who have bought and rented in CP, and all had negative remarks and couldn't wait until their lease expired or have sold their unit.

alot of the appeal of CP seems to be from foreign asian investors, where they compare the costs there to here, so in their eyes it is cheap.

I mean the Concord Adex was sold from Li Ka Shing's family to the Hui family I do not know how much involvement Li Ka Shing was initially and it for sure could have only been his son involved but still had the father's name attached.
I hope that Concord Park Place will learn from the mistakes of City Place. I would frankly rather pay more to have good quality than to pay less and have shoddy quality. We will see I suppose.
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If the quality is shoddy, wouldn't that be the constructor's fault rather than the builder? They're the ones hiring the sub contractors.
If the quality is shoddy, wouldn't that be the constructor's fault rather than the builder? They're the ones hiring the sub contractors.

well there has been consistent shoddy quality and materials so i don't think you can blame the contractors.

besides, it's the builder that hires the contractor.
if the quality was sub-standard to the builder, you would think they wouldn't hire the same ppl for their other projects again and again and again ???
What would the constructor be responsible for than if not for building the building? If the builder is hiring the sub contractors directly, they wouldn't need the construction company to build it? I think construction contracts are tendered. The one tendering the lowest cost for the project would probably be chosen. I notice PCL has been doing most of the construction for CP. Ellisdon is doing Panorama. I guess we will see how Panorama turns out to see if it makes any difference.
Does anyone live there now and enjoy it?
Does anyone live there now and does not like it?
Which building in CityPlace do you think is the best in your opinion?

Any feedback or guidance would be much appreciated.

Take care.

I live there and love it. So does everyone else I know who lives there.

I live in Apex. I think apex/matrix are more desirable as they are not sandwiched between the rail tracks and the gardiner like the new CP buildings... as well as some other new condos going up (infinity, ICE, etc)
It all comes down to management,if they do not take control of the property this area will lose its luster quickly.I still do not like the fact of the amount of renters in these units,even though the management says its within guidelines you can tell a lot more of units are rented out even though the owners are saying its their primary home.The park is nice but unless supervised by security it could be a magnet for street people.
any thoughts on the proposed 9 story social housing building for Block 31? from my understanding that block is city-owned, right across from West One
Here are my thoughts:

1)It'll be a nice-looking building, far better than any CP tower.

2)The residents of both CP and social housing won't care how it looks!

3)The residents of social housing will be happy with their short commute to work: from social housing building(s) to CP to sell their wares...drugs! :p
Urban Dreamer thats a bit harsh about those in social housing but if the city is planning to put the units in City Place it wont help property values for sure.Again this area has a reputation of being cheap in materials and iffy on maintenance and security,most of the complaints are from few internet users who have a bone to pick with CP.I personally would not buy in this area,too many renters,too much traffic,very very high density of people for the amount of space and finally the city still has land on this site,and we know the city loves building social housing.
Honestly, I'm kinda shocked by the NIMBY-ism of this board and Cityplace owners. You live in the urban core of the largest city in Canada. There is social housing everywhere and the proposal for this is a mixed-use development with market and below market prices plus rentals.

Are the people in the upcoming EAST lofts (or MOZO area) complaining about the massive social housing that's been built a block away? Do you hear the people in St. Lawrence Market complaining about all the units around them? What about the new redevelopment of Regent Park. $400 000 condos beside a rent-geared-to-income building and it's almost SOLD OUT and they know this before they buy! Liberty Village/DNA/Electra1&2/Strathcona have 2 social buildings near them, Ossington Lofts/West Side Gallery Lofts/Bohemian Embassy lofts/Candy Factory lofts are all closer to CAMH than 90% of Cityplace will be.

This social housing has been on the books since 2004 and if you didn't know about and bought at cityplace, then it's your own damn fault if you're now in a tizzy. I highly doubt it will affect values in the area (they're already sold at a discount to comparables) just as it hasn't in the above examples. Disgusting.
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I have lived in CityPlace for 6 years, I love the location, amenities and the product. You may hear a few bad things, nothing is perfect. but ultimately the pros out way the cons.

I highly recommend this development.
I haven't been in all Cityplace buildings, but I would specifically advise against any units in Montage ... major issues with insufficient # of elevators in proportion with the # of units in the lower half of the tower ... and the hallways look like a rental apartment building (7' ceilings, white blank hallway walls, only a silver plate on each suite door showing the unit # with no design element of any sort) :(

Does anyone know if Ontario has any regulations on minimum ratios between number of elevators and number of floors?
