I'd be curious on how many of those residents are actually '905ers' themselves - bet you it's pretty high!
According to my geography the number of residents in this area with a 905 phone number would be about 0.
I'd be curious on how many of those residents are actually '905ers' themselves - bet you it's pretty high!
According to my geography the number of residents in this area with a 905 phone number would be about 0.
As a "budding" psychologist, I'm sure your musings would be funny (not because of any concerns about accuracy).
Fact is, the clubs in the area will mostly die due to development. The end.
I'd be curious on how many of those residents are actually '905ers' themselves - bet you it's pretty high!
as they say, you can take the girl out of the area code, but you can't take the area code ouf out the girl!
"This particular part of the downtown is going to be heavily residential. Our fear is we may be going from one extreme to another, from party and night clubs, those are in the decline, and now we may not have an Entertainment District."
While I understand neighborhoods evolve and change the fact remains that the clubs have been there longer than the condo residents moving into the area now.
So it's hypocrisy for new residents moving into a very well known entertainment zone to then complain. I understand if the crowds are too rowdy or get out of hand but driving all the clubs out doesn't solve anything.
The city should have done a better job of managing the area and shut the bad clubs down instead of quietly launching some kind of war on all clubs. Basically, a smaller special interest group used their influence on the city to get what they wanted.
I've been down there on many occasions over the years and I haven't seen these out of control crowds of drunken louts destroying propety and terrorizing residents in their homes the way the media and others describe.
I will say it again.
Before the condo owners moved into this area it was a very well known club zone.
I will say it again.
Before the condo owners moved into this area it was a very well known club zone. This wasn't a secret. So I don't understand people moving into this area and then complaining about the clubs being there.
It is pure hypocrisy.
And yes, Vaughan and those he represents don't like clubs and are trying to run them out of the area. This is my beef. The whole process of what they're trying to do and deciding that the entire area has to cater to their singular vision.
This is what pisses me off.
You didn't. A changing environment is a business risk. This is a risk that has blown up in the clubs faces.