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Danforth Line 2 Scarborough Subway Extension

Hey, no double dipping. If we pay for the subway, and then offer tax relief to jumpstart development, we are paying twice.

It's entirely possible that none of the 'centers' outside the downtown can 'break even' in terms of development and tax revenue. We need a minimum expectation on how much of a revenue engine these centers have to be, or we should give up trying to subsidise them. (equitably, with no disrespect to Scarborough intended).

- Paul
I would've preferred the LRT option over the subway as much as most people here....but the decision is made (Matlow's acknowledged its his last kick at the can) and we're going forward. I can't imagine this will drag to the next election.

It may be wishful thinking, but I'm hoping the "oh we're stupid" tone of this thread will start to wind down. Yes we're stupid, but what's done is done.
I would've preferred the LRT option over the subway as much as most people here....but the decision is made (Matlow's acknowledged its his last kick at the can) and we're going forward. I can't imagine this will drag to the next election.
I wouldn't be surprised if it drags onto the next election. They probably can't get shovels in the ground by 2018.
Well there is the promise to have a "third party" look into the alignment, so that may yet change.

I don't even care if it is a subway, I just want us to build a subway a cheaper way than tunneled. Surface alignment through SRT corridor or maybe elevated on McCowan (hell we can even bring back stations on Lawrence and Eglinton-Danforth with an elevated alignment) is surely feasible, and much cheaper than tunneled.
I don't even care if it is a subway, I just want us to build a subway a cheaper way than tunneled. Surface alignment through SRT corridor or maybe elevated on McCowan (hell we can even bring back stations on Lawrence and Eglinton-Danforth with an elevated alignment) is surely feasible, and much cheaper than tunneled.

Exactly - or the general notion that a one stop extension at that price is a good idea. It's not the concept of having a subway that's problematical - it is how it is done for the price that is.

Honestly though, Marcus Gee is an apologist - yesterday isn't a victory of action over talk so much as it is pretending that picking the lowest hanging, most politically expedient fruit equates to actually making progress in the broader issue of transit planning in the city. Putting shovels in - big whopie do - call me when the council actually put the money where its' mouth is and fund/build transit in a sustained manner where the need is the most acute, and actually putting in place revenue tools to make it happen. There is no evidence that any of that is about to happen.

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I wouldn't be surprised if it drags onto the next election. They probably can't get shovels in the ground by 2018.

Shovels or not its very different now. The plan is much less polarizing with a hybrid concept and win or lose for the most part people on both sides want to see as funding and building now more than ever. The bigger Political issue will likely turn to who can find a way to pay for these plans (ie. who will lobby the Feds & Province further, and who will be honest about taxation with scaring away a specific type of voter as this is one tax thats needed to build this great City). The SSE will be revised from its current one stop by then (or it would be an issue of debate at election)

Its taken too long to get here. But I dont see Scarborough lashing out because their voices & concerns have been drowned out in the media. And the City's Left (or whatever youd like me to call them) is likely done their all out assault on how they envisioned Scarborough transit future as they now need to shift focus to getting the DRL funded in conjunction to these other plans instead of at the expense.

Just dont ever see things being as bad is it was after Miller & Ford. Peoples feelings may be hurt with the current decision. But not nearly to the polarizing extent the legacies of these two left.
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Shovels or not its very different now. The plan is much less polarizing with a hybrid concept and win or lose for the most part people on both sides want to see as funding and building now more than ever.
What exactly is the hybrid concept? I don't see this as any different than the last however many times the plan was finalized.
What exactly is the hybrid concept? I don't see this as any different than the last however many times the plan was finalized.

It's a hybrid in that its looking integrating more than one technology. Instead of a "one type" fits all approach.

Subway to STC and LRT to UTSC. Whether its funded or not yet. Thats the plan moving forward in Scarborough (Aside from the Sheppard debate which is unclear).. And I expect Tory already is working on solidifying the funding for the LRT portion as part of his 2018 campaign. A soon to be improved SSE and funded East-West Crosstown extensions will get him a ton of votes if he can finalize in the next 2 years. The DRL will become a more upfront priority for funding now that the worst of this Scarborough debate out of the way.

And I would be shocked if anyone would try to rip up a plan like this going forward.
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But they feel the need to tunnel the whole thing, unlike the stretch from Main Street to Kennedy.

The complete underground approach will be dead soon. It will be either a surface subway on the RT route or a hybrid underground elevated across the Midland route IMO.

Midland might get the preference if they can do it with minimal shutdown to the SRT, and possible less land to expropriate. It will save a bit on length and if they can pull some of it above ground it will also provide savings. This may be the reasoning Tory is so confident in expecting to pay for the Eglinton East extension as savings will likely be found here.

Now that the vote passed he is going to look like a hero because the bar was set so low in this one stop underground plan. It can only go up from here.
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PC Candidate and current councillor Cho says he'll fight, if elected, to extend the Scarborough subway to Sheppard (near his riding). Patrick Brown, who opened Cho's campaign office earlier this week says he will support the "original" Scarborough subway that council removed from further consideration.
PC Candidate and current councillor Cho says he'll fight, if elected, to extend the Scarborough subway to Sheppard (near his riding). Patrick Brown, who opened Cho's campaign office earlier this week says he will support the "original" Scarborough subway that council removed from further consideration.

I wouldn't be shocked to see a Sheppard extension funded by the Province under the "new" alignment. With the Sheppard LRT in limbo & Eglinton extension only going to UTSC and only being considered for Malvern the people in this riding are screaming. This was one of the few Scarborough ridings (my riding) that had decent Sheppard LRT support. So they are pretty pissed at the transit Gods at the moment.

I am starting to think bigger picture we will have a subway Loop to STC & an LRT Loop East around Malvern Town Center. Great plan on paper & IF we can build the SSE to Sheppard and LRT to UTSC now... Its a great start as Central, East, and North residents all would see massive improvement. Seems doable.
