In fact, you are so bitter that you are now willing to state openly that you deserve immigration just because you speak less accented english.
I never said such a thing. I said because I speak the official language fluently and have an education, I should have an easy ride BECAUSE I AM QUALIFIED APPROPRIATELY. And when I say that, I apply that across the points based system they have to qualify. Its not like I should be allowed just because I speak native English.
And as far as the English thing, I'm lucky in that regard. But it doesn't mean I'm not more qualified than someone else applying to move to Canada.
You find this offensive, but its true. I wouldn't immigrate to Russia or China without knowing cyrillic or mandarin (or whatever is official in China).
Its amazing you were arguing that you wanted people who could assimilate to Canada easier, and you touted Harper's policy for doing that (without providing any details), yet now that I'm making the same argument for myself you find it offensive and anti-multi-cultural. POT. KETTLE. BLACK.
I'm not looking for a free ride, but I do qualify better than most applicants yet I'm getting rejected.
If you want me to extrapolate this point, I think someone from France who immigrates to Canada should also get priority. They are probably more qualified than most applicants because their French would be top notch, despite the accent differences between Quebec and France. The French education system is top notch, and I think Canada should welcome people who have used the resources of such an advanced nation yet would prefer to live in another advanced nation like Canada. Canada gets all the benefits, yet didn't spend anything to raise and educate that applicant. They speak the proper language, and they would be educated. Its pretty simple in my opinion.
That isn't a bigoted statement, its just the way things are. Someone who speaks native French is a better fit to immigrate than someone who is Persian or Tibetian or from Botswana and learns moderately-capable French in order to move to Quebec.
Mind you, I'm talking about people who only put an effort in to speak moderately viable language skills. My argument doesn't even apply to an immigrant who doesn't have native English or French, yet puts the effort to REALLY learn the language. There is such a category as an advanced, accented English or French speaker.
People who immigrate from lands that don't speak latin based languages will have an extra educational curve to overcome, but you know what, I think they should be required to learn the language fluently before applying as an indivdual skilled worker/independent class immigrant.
Its different if you have family, people can sneak in with less fluent English or French. But if you are independent, you should be required to communicate so you can live.
There are three immigrant categories: family based, independent based, and there is refugee based. If you are applying as an independent then English or French language should be required to be fully fluent. You aren't going to have a family member to interpret for you, and you aren't filing as a refugee running from something terribly bad.
That's not bigoted, its just life. I wouldn't move to Russia or China or some other land if I didn't know the local language enough to live. I wouldn't expect their system to pander to me because I refused to learn their culture.
Keith, its obvious you love to argue just for argument sakes. I really have nothing to prove to you, take my beliefs for what they are, but don't reduce my arguments to the idea that I only think english speaking Americans should immigrate to Canada. Part of the reason I like Canada is because its more of a multi-cultural mosaic and less of a hectic melting pot. I love hearing other languages being spoken, and the diversity of places like Toronto.
But that doesn't mean skilled immigrants in the independent class should not learn the native language. Its not good for someone to be allowed to immigrate and not be able to function in society.