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Chief Bill Blair will NOT resign


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Jan 10, 2008
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How do we make him go?


How do we rescue the Toronto Police Service from his incompetence and restore credibility back to its ranks?

There is a petition that calls on Chief William Blair to resign or be removed from his post as Toronto Chief Of Police. Please sign it.
How do we make him go?


How do we rescue the Toronto Police Service from his incompetence and restore credibility back to its ranks?

There is a petition that calls on Chief William Blair to resign or be removed from his post as Toronto Chief Of Police. Please sign it.

Interesting reading.......not looking to debate the merits of the petition but a couple of things struck me about the petition. 1. Any idea why so many people from other parts of Canada (particularly Quebec and BC) are interested in who Toronto has as a Chief? 2. This petition has been around since 2010......any idea how many people have signed it?
Toronto is the national metropolis, so what happens here matters to people around Canada.

That seems insufficient and based on an unhelpful assumption.

A more precise argument would be that Toronto is one of many large metropolises in Canada, and as such the conduct of the leadership of its police service matters to people in other large metropolises insofar as a lack of obvert criticism imports tacit approval of such conduct for all similar police services.

Without the above, its either "Toronto is the centre of the Universe", or people without a clue are weighing in on our shit.
How do we make him go?


How do we rescue the Toronto Police Service from his incompetence and restore credibility back to its ranks?

There is a petition that calls on Chief William Blair to resign or be removed from his post as Toronto Chief Of Police. Please sign it.

I'm not sure how effective signing this petition is (but I signed it anyways).

What I would suggest is sending emails directly to the TPS political masters and Provincial oversight bodies DEMANDING that Bill Blair be fired along with his enabler - Alok Mukherjee. After the release of the Morden report yesterday Mukherjee's head should be on the chopping block!

Here is a list of email addresses (that I regularly use) that I suggest you direct your email to :


Of all the names on this above list, Andre Marin is the one person who you can count on to take your complaint seriously.
That seems insufficient and based on an unhelpful assumption.

A more precise argument would be that Toronto is one of many large metropolises in Canada, and as such the conduct of the leadership of its police service matters to people in other large metropolises insofar as a lack of obvert criticism imports tacit approval of such conduct for all similar police services.

Without the above, its either "Toronto is the centre of the Universe", or people without a clue are weighing in on our shit.

Yes, it does seem insufficient in retrospect, but hardly based on an unhelpful assumption. While what you're saying is true about the importance to big city dwellers of police conduct in all the largest cities, the single largest city is often a focal point for certain issues to everyone in the country who cares about such issues. It has certain cultural heft beyond the others, and whether that's viewed positively, negatively, or in a neutral light isn't that relevant to this discussion. "Toronto is the centre of the Universe" is a derogatory phrase which alleges a certain attitude among Torontonians in regard to the rest of Canada of arrogant belittlement and an arbitrary mentality of centrality; "national metropolis" merely acknowledges that Toronto is the country's focal point for most things urban as the result of many factors--size, economy, culture, education. It's backed by facts and has parallels in most countries.
Uh, be careful what you wish for. Blair's handling of the G20 was deeply flawed, but he's made some improvements in other areas. We may be forgetting who we elected mayor...he'd be the one picking Blair's successor.

The interest in Quebec may have a lot to do with the fact that many of the people arrested and released without charge were from there.
Yes, it does seem insufficient in retrospect, but hardly based on an unhelpful assumption. While what you're saying is true about the importance to big city dwellers of police conduct in all the largest cities, the single largest city is often a focal point for certain issues to everyone in the country who cares about such issues. It has certain cultural heft beyond the others, and whether that's viewed positively, negatively, or in a neutral light isn't that relevant to this discussion. "Toronto is the centre of the Universe" is a derogatory phrase which alleges a certain attitude among Torontonians in regard to the rest of Canada of arrogant belittlement and an arbitrary mentality of centrality; "national metropolis" merely acknowledges that Toronto is the country's focal point for most things urban as the result of many factors--size, economy, culture, education. It's backed by facts and has parallels in most countries.

I wrongfully took your original post as a "Toronto is the centre of the universe" claim. That being said, you're definition of "national metropolis" seems to be based on a hierarchy that I think is far more permeable. I think that there is a network of national metropolises within Canada in which the relative position of any one in regards to a particular urban issue may fluctuate dramatically in a relatively short period of time. For example, the significance of Toronto in terms of the policing of large events in cities is in ascendancy now, but a similar significance has/can occur for other cities in similar circumstances (e.g. Vancouver post-Stanley Cup riots, Quebec City G8, APEC in Vancouver). Toronto's importance right now is probably higher than any of the examples I've mentioned simply because of the order of magnitude difference in the screw up.
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The interest in Quebec may have a lot to do with the fact that many of the people arrested and released without charge were from there.
A lot of people who broke signs, smashed windows, stole and burned their way through downtown were released without charge.

It doesn't mean they were innocent of any wrongdoing and if many of the arrested seemed to be francophone, maybe there's a reason.

Most of the wrongful arrests were made the following day were of locals.
Thank you for this Peepers

I'm not sure how effective signing this petition is (but I signed it anyways).

What I would suggest is sending emails directly to the TPS political masters and Provincial oversight bodies DEMANDING that Bill Blair be fired along with his enabler - Alok Mukherjee. After the release of the Morden report yesterday Mukherjee's head should be on the chopping block!

Here is a list of email addresses (that I regularly use) that I suggest you direct your email to :


Of all the names on this above list, Andre Marin is the one person who you can count on to take your complaint seriously.

Thanks you for this information Peepers- Not sure why but Nunziata, Thompson and Lee emails bounced, but the rest seemed to work just fine.

Please people, I encourage you to use your email and petition these elected leaders to do the right thing and force Bill Blair to resign his post - its the only way to restore public confidence in our police force.
Thanks you for this information Peepers- Not sure why but Nunziata, Thompson and Lee emails bounced, but the rest seemed to work just fine.

Please people, I encourage you to use your email and petition these elected leaders to do the right thing and force Bill Blair to resign his post - its the only way to restore public confidence in our police force.

That's weird. I addressed those three councillors in an email sent out just yesterday and the emails did not bounce back.
i tried again and they worked
hopefully these emails will not go unread or be ignored
but rather I do hope they achieve the desired results

may faith in democracy (or whatever we have here in Canada) will be restored
