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CAROLYN PARRISH -Torstar Interview

Hi Muse, was Royson James actually there? I had the impression that he was taking his information from another Star reporter. I didn't think Royson James ventured much outside Toronto.

Oops, sorry, you're right, it wasn't James, it was Phinjo Gombu who wrote about last Wednesday. My mistake, sorry.

No I wasn't there, being a working guy. I'd like to drop by a few of those meetings if I ever get the chance. I'm sure I'd find them interesting, as you evidently do.

I find them far more than interesting. It's a real life Kafka novel. Oh, Observer if you only knew. Remember I also attend their Audit Committee meetings and have all kinds of Freedom of Informations going right now.

The vast chasm between what is Claimed and the Reality, well, oh my!

Further comments regarding Parrish: My reaction to her has been generally negative as you may have gathered from previous comments, going back to election time. The unfortunate thing is that she does have ability and intelligence, not to mention experience. She could put those qualities to good use.

She's a huge threat to The Corporation, Observer --huge potential to tipsy the Corporate Boat.

If she wants to succeed, and specifically if she wants to be mayor of a large city and head of a bureaucracy, she'll have to learn to play nice with the other kids. This doesn't mean being a pushover or a puppet, it means being a team player, something which she is unskilled at. She's picking fights not only with the Mayor, but with some of the other councillors and senior staff (I have this directly from one of the other councillors).

Parrish, Observer, is on record as saying, "I have chosen to make a study of Enersource" and that's going to ruffle the feathers of commissioners, councillors who've been on the Enersource Board and especially McCallion.

It isn't picking fights. It's asking questions that no one has ever bothered to ask. Make that too chicken to ask.

Remember this is the pro forma Council. Slogan should be "Moved, Seconded, Passed" instead of "Trust Quality Excellence".

Me, I'm aiming my Freedom of Informations in certain aspects of Mississauga rule. Is that "picking fights". When the Ontario Ombudsman chooses to investigate public complaints into a municipality, is that picking fights?

Is attempting to hold someone accountable, picking fights? I do know it's impossible.

The best ideas and motivations in the world aren't enough, if you can't get anything implemented, because you have p-ed off everyone in sight as you raise your profile.

Agreed. That's why in addition to choosing to make a study of The Corporation of the City of Mississauga, I've also chosen to always and forever remain outside their tent.

Maybe Parrish will do that too. Not care about being mayor. Just being a watchdog councillor. Dunno. But jeezlypeets we need at least one councillor like that in Mississauga.

I have the tapes of the Council meeting. The full 53 minute version and the cut-to-the-chase 16 minute cat fight.

Please see next message.
Video Of Mccallion Vs Parrish

For those of you who just want the Reader's Digest version. This is edited for brevity (leaving out Parrish's Enersource questions and answers by the Commissioner Powell). 16 minutes in length.

Hazel McCallion and Carolyn Parrish (SHORT version) June 20, 2007

This is the entire McCallion/Parrish Enersource Debate. 53 minutes.

HAZEL MCCALLION and CAROLYN PARRISH (June 20, 2007 Mississauga Council Meeting)

Also, I'll share an earlier March 28, 2007 Parrish/McCallion exchange --this one I call The Great Port Credit Library Debate.


I took clips from these segments to create my own Mississauga Music Videos. Here, Observer, take a look at your Mississauga Mayor and Council.


and my favourite video --all clips from last Wednesday with O Canada as part of the audio, here is


Observer, it's even worse than this. Really. Please remember. I'm the one sitting in on the Audit Committees. Getting back the Freedom of Informations.

The thing is, it's not even difficult to see The Truth. Just a scratch of the surface with a fingernail is all it takes. The implications are staggering.

McCallion is tapdancing on Parrish's head because Parrish is on The Trail. If a Mississauga citizen's group ever got together and probed This, That and the Other Thing...

We'd live in Fascinating Times.
