News   Mar 13, 2025
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News   Mar 13, 2025
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News   Mar 13, 2025
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Canada's decision not to join Iraq war vindicated: Chretien

Never say never with this government, looks like we're going into Iraq after all.

Canada’s initial deployment will be small and limited in scope — some 50 to 100 elite soldiers tasked to provide “critical advice to forces in northern Iraq as they continue to hold back the terrorist advance,” Prime Minister Stephen Harper told reporters.
Canadian troops will not engage in direct combat and the mission will be reviewed after 30 days, Harper said. But as other coalition partners announced their involvement, laying out a longer timeline of as much as three years aimed at eradicating the fledgling Islamic State, Harper hinted Canadian troops could become more involved.

OMG. I can't believe you were able to revive a thread after ten years. Does history teach us nothing? I have been flogging a sober second view of Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 911on another thread and how it illistrates power concentrated in the hands of the very stupid, and the probable/possible/plausible outcome of military intervention in the middle east. The movie is also ten years old. As this thread is not so
busy I'll venture a question..Admiral Beez is your avatar a sub/ dom thing?

And if it is which part do you identify with the woman in charge or the fella trying to make good?
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