Active Member
so if NATO supports it all is ok with you...fine, but it's not with me
I didn't come hereto be informed by sarcastic little men like you....I came to voice my opinion based on the past 5 years .....as for quoting silly little articles or government briefs, please isn't that rather political on your part?
I didn't come hereto be informed by sarcastic little men like you....I came to voice my opinion based on the past 5 years .....as for quoting silly little articles or government briefs, please isn't that rather political on your part?
"if you don't like the heat leave the kitchen"
The nice thing is.....the future is not that far away. We shall see said the blind man.
you actually crack me up when you ask for better solutions to failures that have occurred in these irrational wars
You suggest that anti war thinkers are pro terrorist, your insult is repugnant, your blind support of the Afghanistan war is just plain foolish based on nothing much other than what?
When I think of people in power all over the world, they all have something in common, people tire of power structures and eventually in a democracy vote them out of power or in a dictatorship the people take up arms themselves. It's the same old sing song no matter what your political inclination to leadership is. As far as your suggestion that I appear to offer nothing to the discussion of value, or in fact that I think the world should have not reacted to 911, you are incorrect.
America was able to convince NATO troops to go into Afghanistan but not Iraq, both invasions were foolish in that both have brought out the very worst of who we are as north Americans, I just wonder how many investigations into wrong doings you need to know about before you are convinced of the fact that our behaviour makes things even worse for the people we claim to want to help and not better.
you ask.....what should they have done in response to 911?
you asked....What do I mean by "bringing out the worst in North Americans"
Are you kidding me? Do I really have to rehash the failures we have all witnessed with respect to the North American's "war on terrorism"?
serious criminal behaviour identified by the coalition troops
...disregard all other options ie having meaningful dialogue with those who seek to harm others
we in north America continue to become more xenophobic in our propaganda rather than finding helpful solutions to problems that in reality exists in the minds of only the most extreme thinkers.