News   Mar 06, 2025
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News   Mar 06, 2025
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News   Mar 06, 2025
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Brampton Transit/Zum

To quote BT (via Sylvia)

We typically will use more neutral simplistic language when communicating service changes to the public. As you can appreciate, we are communicating to a broad group of residents and one of the main purposes is to make sure residents know that there is a change.
Timeline for the Transit Hub study for downtown Brampton per this staff report for the October 23rd Committee of Council meeting.


^ Surprised I didn't see any social media coverage on it yet, or there wasn't a big ceremony with a lot of politicians. Didn't it get funding from the Province/Feds as well?
^ Surprised I didn't see any social media coverage on it yet, or there wasn't a big ceremony with a lot of politicians. Didn't it get funding from the Province/Feds as well?

News Release went out yesterday.

Mayor Brown, Prov. Minister Sakaria , provincial MPP, and federal MP in attendance.

I'm really happy to see Brampton getting the love it deserves with better route planning, new buses, refurbishment of existing buses, new facilities, new routes... It makes me happy to live in the city, even if I don't travel on the bus all that often. It's not about me, it's about everyone who uses transit to get around. These new facilities play such an important role in transportation for the city, so it's great to see them finally breaking ground on it.

I don't really want to see standees on a route that's running on Highway 50 out that way..........there's some serious speed at points.........if there were an accident.......

Regardless, demand clearly exists for 30M frequency already.
Makes me wonder if better transit options for Caledon would exist via Brampton Transit, and if those who live in Caledon would be willing to foot the bill for it.
The costs for the 41 will get significantly cheaper once the new MSF is opened at Highway 50 and Cadetta. If I remember correctly, Caledon presently has to pay once the bus leaves the MSF, so having the MSF for the buses be over 10km closer should significantly reduce costs, thereby increasing farebox recovery, making it easier for Caledon to justify significant expansion of service.
The costs for the 41 will get significantly cheaper once the new MSF is opened at Highway 50 and Cadetta. If I remember correctly, Caledon presently has to pay once the bus leaves the MSF, so having the MSF for the buses be over 10km closer should significantly reduce costs, thereby increasing farebox recovery, making it easier for Caledon to justify significant expansion of service.
Thank you for the info. It's great to see the strides Brampton Transit is taking in improving ridership options throughout the city and beyond.

As for the 504 - Another update:

They've been doing a lot of directional drilling lately. Most of it has to do with relocating utilities, crossing lights, and creating new underground conduit for the Zum stops.

So far they've been working on:

Northbound start/termination at Cassie Campbell - Westbound on Sandalwood Parkway (Zum Shelter / Roadwork / utility relocating)
Southbound stop @ Chinguacousy & Fairhill / Northbound stop @ Chinguacousy / Duffield (Zum Shelters / Roadwork / utility relocating)
Northbound stop @ Chinguacousy & Fandor Way (Cycle lanes / utility relocating)
Southbound stop Chinguacousy & Bovaird (Zum Shelters / Roadwork / utility relocating)
Northbound stop Chinguacousy & Bovaird (Zum shelters / Roadwork / utility relocating - Digging a foundation for the eventual pouring of concrete and installation of Zum shelter)

Some 1,200 city workers went on strike in Brampton on Thursday, with major disruptions to some key municipal services expected.

The workers, represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 831, walked off the job in the early morning hours after contract negotiations with the city failed to reach a new deal.

The employees on strike include those responsible for public transit, parks and recreation, road maintenance, animal control, courthouse services, bylaw enforcement, and building inspections and permits.
