Not the right thread for this discussion, but yes. Where you are dealing with Class 1 and 2 farmland, then yes, solar farms are the incorrect use of this land. And that certainly is the Sarina area, and most of Ontario west of Oshawa and south of Georgian Bay ( some generalities there, but there is plenty of access to CLI classification maps for,those interested)
Class 1 and 2 farmlands are the most vital, class 3 lags behind, but is still useful. Ontario has no plan that protects these lands with a bite, and these farmlands are prone to development, from ‘estate’ homes to more industrial uses, both legal and illegal. Hence situations such as Wilmot (to name one)
Class 1 and 2 farmlands are also a finite resource. Much like the Niagara Tender Fruit belt. Once you pave it, that’s it, enjoy your hard as rock peaches from the US or Chile.
And food security in this country should be a very high priority of all governments, both to feed our own population, and as an economic tool in regards to our balance of trade.
We should also have a wary eye on American investment into Canadian Ag lands and businesses. Their interests are not Canada’s interests.
There is plenty of land in Ontario that would be more appropriate for non-agricultural development, but that requires a plan with tools and economic incentives to make the choice easier.
Now that I have spouted on, we should transfer any discussion to a more correct thread.