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Bomb Hoax at the ROM

Admiral Beez:

I don't know why any government funding goes to art schools. Seems a breeding ground for radical nuts and the unemployable.

It isn't like every student at OCAD belongs to the latter categories.

I hope him and his girlfriend I saw in the video get at least 20 years for this! And the OCAD should cough up the 100,000 dollars the ROM lost in this whole thing. Stupid people didn't think this would cause a stir? Especially with our troops in Afghanistan.
I'd like to get all artsy on him.

Send him to a hardcore jail and see him get raped by other inmates. Yeah, that'll be some performance art....

Pranks != Art
The sickest thing about this guy is on his OCAD student profile, under favourite work of art, he listed "World Trade Centre collapse"...
He's a sick pig who's hiding behind "art" as an excuse to do whatever the hell he wants.
^ :eek:

The collapse of the World Trade Centre being viewed as a work of art???

This guy sounds even worse than was evident at first. I seriously think the legal system should see to it that he gets a psychiatric evaluation. And OCAD needs to think long and hard before readmitting him. There seem to be real danger signals here.
He's a sick pig who's hiding behind "art" as an excuse to do whatever the hell he wants.
But isn't that exactly what every radical "artist" today does, basically making crap, and then telling anyone who challenges it that they just don't understand "art"?

To be honest though, I must admit that I don't get the modern art act, and was jaded forever the moment I saw those three vertical stripes that the artist fired off in a weekend with three cans from home depot and a roller.

Now, I do have two friends who went to OCAD who are doing well. One's a designer/director for TV commercials and the other is an art appraiser at a large auction house. Both tell me that the vast majority of OCAD students though are twits, looking for something to be angry or provoked about, and then being pissed that they're unemployable years later.
Walt: This year I'm thinking faux pipe bomb Christmas tree decorations, maybe.

9/11 has been a subject for artists almost from the moment it happened.
I think artists can get away from it if they are lefty /socially progressive/ show a hate on for the Untied States. Otherwise, as the Germans woudl say, it's verboten. Using the German world is good as many Canadian artists have a huge hate on for the States- resulting in hate based Canadian nationalism- a very dangerous thing.
While the kid came from a spoilt wealthy pretentious gotta admit his "art" was brilliant! He achieved what many artists struggle to achieve in a lifetime: fame and brand recognition! Smart man I would hire him in a flash!

The reaction I've read so far on this board: Are all you guys PC or Right Wing? Where's the innocent fun in this town?

We must remember: This kid grew up in Finland, probably has that Northern European bias (aka WTC was an inside job--I agree with that myself btw) and the self-centred naivism that is central to an artist's character. (He'd make a good NDP candidate!)

I was an art student myself. I love to stir up timid small-minded Toronto.

A Beez--your POV epitomizes what I loathe about WASPY-old Toronto Corporate values: the majority of artists are just trying to earn a living! Just like you and your boring 9-5 corporate job....

Of course this was a childish publicity stunt--and he probably meant no harm. He's a kid--at 24 I was behaving rather childishly myself--I still am:)

World Trade Centre Vid was hilarious--making fun of the propaganda that is the American media and gov't!
