Senior Member
If you look at transactions, looks like most of the recent ones in Cabbagetown are hundreds of thousands below asking, or well down from earlier transactions. A lot of deals falling through on valuations.IDK, never in my 24 years here in Cabbagetown have I seen so many houses taking weeks and weeks to sell.,-79.368790&LatitudeMax=43.67304&LongitudeMax=-79.35180&LatitudeMin=43.65942&LongitudeMin=-79.38578&Sort=6-D&PGeoIds=g10_dpz83vjg&GeoName=Cabbagetown, Toronto, ON&PropertyTypeGroupID=1&PropertySearchTypeId=1&TransactionTypeId=2&BuildingTypeId=1&Currency=CAD
These prices are insane still. $2+ million for three floor semis? Who can afford these? When I bought in 1998 it was well under $300k, or about four times our household income after tax income. Now it's about fifteen times our current income. Jeez.