Rapid immigration on such a huge scale can not allow for sufficient absorption of values.
That is a different issue from the make-up of the immigrant quote. Why are you picking on Africa only? If our immigration mix changed to 70% German or 70% Polish, you'd also have the same impact. In any event, nowhere has the current or previous governments shown any inclination to alter our immigration quotas to favour one ethnicity over another. Our race/religion blind immigration policy is one of the best in the world (if not the absolute best).
I disagree that more groups are a good thing. In the US blacks are still the unofficial second class citizens. That's just how things are.
Wow ignorant. You don't think that centuries of slavery and segregation had any thing to do with the current condition of the Afro-American community in the US? You don't think their socio-economic status today has an element of self-perpetuation?
Asians somehow have gotten along differently... they are not in the lower pitfalls of society.
They've never had the same barriers as blacks. Heck, even some blacks don't like other blacks. We all know how it is in the real world. Immigrants hate on each other more than whites hating on immigrants. That just doesn't show up in the mainstream press. But blacks, even today, are the targets of virtually everybody's scorn. If you doubt me, ask a Chinese or Indian parent, how they'd feel about their daughter dating a black guy.
But basically when one thinks of what is a canadian one thinks of a white person. Austrians are white people. Canadians are byproducts of that. These colored canadian are different canadians - not saying that they are lower or higher canadians - but they are not the typical canadian that one thinks of when one hears of one.
And those views are ignorant and racist. We are a multi-cultural society. There's no reason for others to think of Canadians as only being white. It's their problem if they can't perceive the diversity of our nation. And if they can't they better get used to it. Should we replace Michaelle Jean with a white person because foreigners might get offended that the Canadian in the highest position in our land is not white?
And I really don't care what the Austrians do. Just because they do it, does not make it right. They can keep their ignorant ways. But at least, in the old world, such views are somewhat understandable. Austria is home of the Austrian people. Who exactly are the historical inhabitants of Canada? And how far back do you want to go? Should we kick out even the whites and return the land back to the aboriginal peoples?
And yes, you are saying coloured Canadians are different. And that they are lower in value. Because they don't fit some ignorant pre-conceived notion of what a Canadian should look like.
May I remind you that half a century ago, the pre-conceived notion of an immigrant, would not have included Slavs like yourself. Nor would it have included our Aboriginal peoples. It was English mostly, and French occassionally. Heck, it didn't really include the Irish and barely included Scots who came over. Should we have stuck to that image and not evolved at all?
This is not just european thinking. The Arab Emirates make it almost impossible for whites to get citizenship there. Same for Japan, if I am not mistaken.
I lived in the UAE. I am fully aware of their citizenship policies. It's not about somebody being white or black or brown. They don't give citizenship to anybody that does not have patrilineal descent from a UAE citizen. Simple as that. Women who marry outsiders (even if they are Arabs from other Gulf countries) give up the right of citizenship for their children.
But again. How is that relevant? They UAE and Japan (which has virtually no immigration) have chosen to structure their policies that way. And they are paying for it by the way. The UAE is in a constant struggle to convince wealthy South Asians to keep their money in the UAE and not take it all back to India when they retire. Their policies do bite them in the six now and will continue to happen in the future. That's the price they pay for not letting migrants workers make the UAE their home. Japan is seeing its population age dramatically, at a rate that's never before been seen in history, with the attendant social and economic consequences. You still want to emulate those two countries as models of immigration?