Developer: Brookfield Property Partners
Address: 2 Bloor St E, Toronto
Category: Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 108 ft / 32.87 mStoreys: 6 storeys
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Toronto Hudson's Bay Centre Renovations | 32.87m | 6s | Brookfield | Adamson

As per Valantino's post on SSC:

"Hudson's Bay Centre ... massive overhaul

from the plaza 2 apartment tower to the hotel/retail/parkade podium, it should be unrecoginzable in five years time"


Interesting! Next up: Stollery's!
Methinks that might have something to do with Lord & Taylor... Hopefully, this massive overhaul along with 1 Bloor E and the Bloor remodeling will push the lux district further east instead of confining it to two blocks of Bloor.
no! I love the overwhelming weight of all that concrete looming overhead, the way The Plaza (Marriot) is perched on top of that giant blank wall of a podium. It makes you feel like an insignificant little ant. This is a Toronto and Canadian landmark, like it or not! I say hands off!
^And I say: bring in the implosion experts! Redroom, as you know, I'm so light the wind tunnel here blows me away....;)

But I doubt they"ll knock it down; probably a recladding in glass and maybe another condo tower on a reclad podium that meets the street properly.
I think they might knock down the entire department store... The ceiling heights are unsuitable for Lord & Taylor, they might also block bust the entire thing, leaving the tower reclad? I hope this pans out to be true, along with the Cumberland Terrace reno, this could prove to be a breath of fresh air for Yorkville.
I really fail to see whats wrong with the tower... its already been updated once with the aqua glass. Personally I am getting sick of "all glass" towers. There are so many being built right now, why should we start retrofitting buildings from other eras with more of the same? Both 2 Bloor East and West are fine examples from another era that have been landmarks and a gateway at that corner. I say leave them as they are. I think with all the new construction that is about to reshape this intersection, we need to have a contrast in styles and ages of buildings - for me thats what makes things visually appealing. I really dont want to see another cluster of all glass buildings as we have forming at Simcoe and Wellington. Embrace the history!
Oh no.. I never thought of recladding 2 Bloor East or West, they are one of my favourite towers in Toronto and have always felt as a gateway when I first moved here and lived in High Park. The based of the Hudson's Bay Centre, however, and its hulking podium/garage/superstore must be reclad and open to Bloor. That's what is necessary to finally give Bloor East a chance to rival Bloor West.
Speaking of history, if the Bay is going to be doing massive work the city should try to extract a promise to erect a Ben Kerr tribute on the corner. I'd love to see a life-sized statue on the corner
I would be very surprised to see any major work at Yonge and Bloor, since they just finished a makeover a few years ago.. nasty problem with windows getting loose on windy days, I recall. The concourse, too got a substantial makeover.

Too bad they kept the RBC on the corner. A square would be much appreciated here. Toronto needs public spaces to enjoy in good weather, with cafes. It's no fun gazing out at traffic which is too common and street closures are a pathetic compromise.
I too would be surprised if there was a major overhaul, in light of the very recent renovations (although it would be a pleasant surprise). And I am sure Lord and Taylor will take a few months before deciding what they want to do with their various store locations anyhow.
As far as I know, there is to be $500 million spent on store revamps/upgrades across the country and this is for all HBC brands. First, that sounds like a lot of money, but spread out it amounts to maybe a couple of million for the Bloor St. store. I somehow don't believe they are going to change the tower or the exterior of the store, when in actual fact, there is nothing physically wrong with them - aesthetically maybe! I am not suggesting that they don't, but I could imagine the private equity firm isn't concerned with the looks of The Bay- at least for the most part. Now I hope I am wrong and they are interested.

