5959 Yonge Street (Ghods Builders) - Real Estate -

My agent believes 5959 Yonge should be able to obtain permit if M2M can get theirs. He went to a few of the hearings and apparently some residents living behind the area are opposing the project...slowing the process. M2M is also on a much bigger scale since they are revamping the plaza, so no reason that 5959 can't get it. It has been a long time tho...hoping for the best.
this builder has relationship and connection with sepah ghosds a branch of iran revolutionary guards . this will cause lots of problems because of sanctions
this builder may have connections with Irans SEPAH GODS a terrorist organisation who is sanctioned by the US, this company might be used for money laundering for IRAN SEPAH GHODS that is why the project is not going anywhere but hell
if you search the owners of the company , their last name are Ghods. I am an Iranian, I have not heard of any Ghods last name in my 65 years in and out of iran. they are just fake to launder money for Iran's Sepah Ghods a terrorist organisation be
on this link http://ghodsbuilders.com/people.html
you see 3 names with the same fake last name GHODS. GHASEM , ROSA , HONEY THERE IS NOT SUCH A LAST NAME IN IRAN

THIS IS ROSA GHODS Linkedin account , nothing but one line of a info https://ca.linkedin.com/in/rosa-ghods-15a9a4136

this is from 2005 about these people

instagram honey https://www.instagram.com/honey.ghods/?hl=en
So what is the situation right now? I have also received the email, and they say expecting a check of the deposit in 2-3 weeks. Has anyone got their money back? Is law suit even possible?
I bought an unit at TowerB three years ago, received the cheque with amount of what I have paid as deposit recently, but without the interest that deserved. I wonder did anyone get the cheque with deposit plus interest? Can we take the class action law suit as Icona in Vaughan? I think we should email to Sogand to arrange a meeting for discussing.
I bought an unit at TowerB three years ago, received the cheque with amount of what I have paid as deposit recently, but without the interest that deserved. I wonder did anyone get the cheque with deposit plus interest? Can we take the class action law suit as Icona in Vaughan? I think we should email to Sogand to arrange a meeting for discussing.

Hi... I am also another buyer left stranded by Ghods. I sent an email to Sogand today Dec 11,2019 as I just came across this convo thread. You should email Sogand as well!
