What's to disagree with? If you live on the 10th floor why do you want access to the 15th floor? I think the security is necessary not so much to restrict access to residents as it is to restrict access to visitors. Weekend drunk visitors can do alot of damage to the hallways and disturbe residents......just look at the elevators on a Sunday morning. I think its great.....they should probably add camera's in the hallways if they haven't already.
Another reason I like this system is because of fliers that are stuck in or laid in front of suite doors for pizza, chicken wings etc. If your away on holidays, on a business trip etc. this is an indication that you are away once they start piling up, opening your suite up for possible break-in. Most condos don't allow additional locks or deadbolts so with a quick kick to the door the lock gives way and they are in. Restricting floor access eliminates this, and remember most newer condos have a lot of investors which are then rented out to some people who have little to no respect for the building unlike most live-in owners. It just takes one drug dealer to get into the building through an ad on Criagslist or someone who prefers the company of paid escorts who may also be drug users and once they leave the suite they're free to wander wherever they wish, restricted floor access prevents this. If you have made friends on another floor management will usually program your card so that you can both have access to each others floor with written letters from each party.