500 Sherbourne Condos (Times Group Corporation) - Real Estate -

What's to disagree with? If you live on the 10th floor why do you want access to the 15th floor? I think the security is necessary not so much to restrict access to residents as it is to restrict access to visitors. Weekend drunk visitors can do alot of damage to the hallways and disturbe residents......just look at the elevators on a Sunday morning. I think its great.....they should probably add camera's in the hallways if they haven't already.

Another reason I like this system is because of fliers that are stuck in or laid in front of suite doors for pizza, chicken wings etc. If your away on holidays, on a business trip etc. this is an indication that you are away once they start piling up, opening your suite up for possible break-in. Most condos don't allow additional locks or deadbolts so with a quick kick to the door the lock gives way and they are in. Restricting floor access eliminates this, and remember most newer condos have a lot of investors which are then rented out to some people who have little to no respect for the building unlike most live-in owners. It just takes one drug dealer to get into the building through an ad on Criagslist or someone who prefers the company of paid escorts who may also be drug users and once they leave the suite they're free to wander wherever they wish, restricted floor access prevents this. If you have made friends on another floor management will usually program your card so that you can both have access to each others floor with written letters from each party.
You're nuts if you think they should add cameras to the hallways. Nobody wants big brother watching over them. It's enough that every person's entry and exit into the building is logged (resident name, time, and entry/entrance location).

I understand how entry is logged since we must use the assigned fob to enter through the street or to open the garage door.
But can you please explain how our exit is logged? Don't we just open the door manually or the garage door automatically opens? Sorry if the answer is painfully obvious but I just don't get it. Thanks.
I understand how entry is logged since we must use the assigned fob to enter through the street or to open the garage door.
But can you please explain how our exit is logged? Don't we just open the door manually or the garage door automatically opens? Sorry if the answer is painfully obvious but I just don't get it. Thanks.

No, you're right, I was just foaming at the mouth. I guess that exit is recorded by video camera though.

One of the concierges showed me the video-system. It's pretty awesome. He can manipulate "tape" in seconds (rewinding to certain times etc).
You're nuts if you think they should add cameras to the hallways. Nobody wants big brother watching over them. It's enough that every person's entry and exit into the building is logged (resident name, time, and entry/entrance location).

And why shouldn't we have access to every floor? If property management needs to buy a new carpet for floor x, don't you want to see if it's necessary since YOU are providing the money for this?

However, I do like the new FOB-elevator function.

And LOL at the notion that Moss Park is a 10 min, slow-paced walk from 500 Sherbourne. And double-LOL at your aversion to the use of "dude" when you describe yourself as a "boy".

Let's take away the fob entry system, the security camera in the elevators, camera's in the parking garage, and let's get rid of the security guard at the front door. Your condo will look like an apartment building within a year. At the same time, the value of your condo will fall dramatically. You think end users would pay top dollar tobuy or rent in a building like the one I described.
Let's take away the fob entry system, the security camera in the elevators, camera's in the parking garage, and let's get rid of the security guard at the front door. Your condo will look like an apartment building within a year. At the same time, the value of your condo will fall dramatically. You think end users would pay top dollar tobuy or rent in a building like the one I described.

Keep it together. No one suggested what you described. I like the FOB system, and dt_toronto_geek's post has made me warm up to the floor-specific version of it as well.
Keep it together. No one suggested what you described. I like the FOB system, and dt_toronto_geek's post has made me warm up to the floor-specific version of it as well.

you were the one with the 'big brother' line!

I'm for more security not less security. There are many buildings with little or no security and we both know what they look like and the type of residents living there. I lived in a building with no camera's and no fob system. $20K in vandalism on two different floors in one night. Who do you think pays for this? Not to mention, cars and motorcycle's in the underground vandalized and stolen on many occassions. There's no guarantee that added security will prevent this from happening, however less security will almost certainly mean the above will occur.
Well as far as I can tell, we can all access all floors at the moment, I accidentley pressed another floor after swiping my fob then pressed my floor, my partner asked Alex today and he said they have decided to let us access all floors as we may make friends in the building and need to get to other floors.
I am all for the added security. I thought it was a bit over the top with the back door not being accessible but unfortunately there are people who live in the building who are careless.
The front doors stay open too long and people can sneak in too. The security guys are not always paying attention.
I don't know if they are renters or owners but I see many things already that are not acceptable.
I have found garbage in the elevators and lazy people on my floor don't throw garbage down the chute and just leave it on the floor. How inconsiderate can people be. Is there no pride in where they live?
One night we went to the patio right after it was opened and some MORON left the barbecue on and put the cover over it. The plastic was melting on the barbecue and was smoking.
There was a guy there taking photos on the patio who didn't even notice anything. I asked if he had seen anyone using the barbecue and he said no. He didn' t care. I don't know if he lives here or not but come on.
I immediately called security and also notified the property manager on Monday morning.

Being owners we have to be vigilant and tell people when they do things that are not acceptable.
That is if you care about where you live and your property values.
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Yea, some people are just slobs... I've lived in about 5 condos and you see the same issues from building to building. I remember going to my friend's place at Waterclub and seeing an empty liquor bottle on the ground. Is it that difficult to throw it in the garbage? It's not about renters and owners....it's about commond decency and a lot of people (owners and renters) just don't have any.

I took a walk on the patio for the first time yesterday. Much different from the renders LOL. I just hope people keep the kitchen tidy...it's quite nice.
just learned from my real estate agent that the builder has been selling units from its stock of inventory from $520 per foot to $560 per ft depending on unit size and floor (not including parking). Not sure where he got this info but I suspect Milbourne has them on the MLS. I thought units in this building would go for $440 to $460 per ft.
To summarize my feelings: This is why we can't have nice things.

The back door was rendered inaccessible because people couldn't be bothered to secure it behind them. I find this lack of access annoying.

The garbage chute rooms have been a problem since my very first week in this building. People dump their garbage on the floor. Or they can't be bothered to ensure it is pushed down the chute, thus leaving it for the next person to deal with. Often it will be misdirected if the next user changes the stream selection.

I have seen the occasional piece of garbage in the elevators.

I haven't been using the gym or the other facilities so I don't know if situations exist there as well.

The cleaning staff all seem so nice and hard working. I feel like they are doing a really good job with keeping the building clean. It is a shame they have to deal with unnecessary messes arising from laziness of occupants.

Regarding owners vs. renters. I would love to think owners would take pride in their building, but not all do. It is naive to believe only renters are the problem. As JayBee said, this problem is not unique to this building. Despicable behaviour? Yes. But it's human nature. I like TorontoArchitect's suggestion of calling people out when act in ways that damage our building.
When I first moved in I was in the elevator with some guy and I made a comment on how scratched up the newly uncovered elevator was already (by construction workers). He said that it can't be shiny new forever. I said it had just been uncovered a couple of days ago and asked if he rented or owned his unit, he was a renter. I told him no wonder you don't care. I am just saying most of the times renters don't care as much as owners. But your right there are slob owners just as there are renters. I rented before here and I didn't change the way I care about the apartment or building.

The gym is being kept in pretty decent shape. They installed plastic barriers on the thermostats to keep people from changing temperature (except on the one near door I think they can't install it because its too close to door frame). I think its a good idea, since people leave it on whatever temperature they want and don't turn it back down after they leave. This will save on Hydro bills.
My partner saw the guys who installed the TV monitors on the treadmills and bikes hit the window that has the crack. He didn't realize that's what had happened but saw the crack afterwards. He didn't report it, which irritated me because if the builder doesn't fix we will end up paying for it.
It's our building and we have take care of it and the surroundings, plain and simple.
