500 Sherbourne Condos (Times Group Corporation) - Real Estate -

Screen Door on Patio Too Small

Screen Door on Patio Too Small

Is anyone else having issues with the screen door on their patio? Mine was identified as not closing properly on the PDI. A quick examination shows it was incorrectly manufactured. It simply can't reach to the latch and has gaps at the bottom.

Anyone else has this issue? Makes for a pain to use my patio this summer.
here we go :-(

OPA / Rezoning 11 184584 STE 27 OZ Ward 27
- Tor & E.York Apr 29, 2011 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Rezoning application to permit the re-development of the lands for the purposes of a new 38 storey mixed use building complete with retail at grade and 327 residential units above.

In my opinion far too tall on this relatively small footprint. Maybe we all should get in touch with our City Councillor to raise concern. A new building at teh South-West corner should stay in line with the buildings at the other corners of that intersection to give the area a bit more character. But then, when did the City of Toronto ever had a vision???

This sucks, we bought our place because of the view, hope it doesn't come to fruition : (
Is anyone else having issues with the screen door on their patio? Mine was identified as not closing properly on the PDI. A quick examination shows it was incorrectly manufactured. It simply can't reach to the latch and has gaps at the bottom.

Hey Sweetsuite, My patio door closes fine, but the screen is really cheaply made. Hopefully they will fix your PDI items soon so you can enjoy your patio. As myself and others on this forum have learned, you have to nag Times Group people about PDI items otherwise they will ignore them and the issues will never be resolved. Good luck.
This sucks, we bought our place because of the view, hope it doesn't come to fruition : (

I wonder if our building residents' opinion counts in how the surrounding area is developed. If the residents file a letter, or attend a hearing (this hearing is to be scheduled), is there a chance to influence the decision? Say, reduce the height to 12 floors?
I wonder if our building residents' opinion counts in how the surrounding area is developed. If the residents file a letter, or attend a hearing (this hearing is to be scheduled), is there a chance to influence the decision? Say, reduce the height to 12 floors?

12s? C'mon. Did you guys care when Verve's residents' views were blocked by your building? How can you want 12 storeys when all the newer buildings in the area are 30+?

Yea, getting your view blocked a bit sucks, but no view's safe. Would you rather have a nice tower at the corner or what was there before. This development is a good thing for the area.
I wonder if our building residents' opinion counts in how the surrounding area is developed. If the residents file a letter, or attend a hearing (this hearing is to be scheduled), is there a chance to influence the decision? Say, reduce the height to 12 floors?

not very likely.

i just hope you didn't pay a premium with the expectation of a view ... doesn't exist very long in a density developing city filled with low rises
I know the view was going to be blocked a little someday, but think the land size is too small for a high rise (hopefully) just hope it takes them a while to build if they get the go ahead. I bet the people in the Royal York Hotel thought they had a lovely south view back in 1929.lol
I know the view was going to be blocked a little someday, but think the land size is too small for a high rise (hopefully) just hope it takes them a while to build if they get the go ahead. I bet the people in the Royal York Hotel thought they had a lovely south view back in 1929.lol

perhaps they'll wait until they acquire the additional properties to the south for a larger lot
I think this thread should talk more about things within the building than worrying about a high-rise going up across the street. A new condo will only help property values while things that are left unattended to all over the building will lower the property values.
I am speaking of many things (some are little) that apparently no one complains about to Roseanne. I send her emails frequently to tell her about things that the maintenance people should be noticing and notifying the office but don't.
For instance filthy carpets (5th floor, my floor), lightbulbs out (my floor), thermostats not working properly or not properly set (gym), noisy elevator doors (all of them), tile work in some elevators are cracked and separating from wall, holes in wallpaper because the doorstop was installed incorrectly(outside yoga room), the steps on Sherbourne Street (a lawsuit waiting to happen), the patio area (not being maintained) and one of the floor light fixtures that protrude 6 inches above ground (another lawsuit waiting to happen) the tacky trellesis and on and on. What happened to the PDI of the building? Has it been completed, till when do they have to repair and complete the work.
If these (little) things don't get looked into then they become BIG things that make this building look ratty and not well maintained. So people, those who live in this building show some pride and complain about things as you see them.
The property management company is not doing a very good job. They should be aware of these things but every time I have emailed Roseanne regarding an issue she was totally unaware of it. We all have her email (since they send us notices all the time) so send some notices back. It's our right and it's our homes.
perhaps they'll wait until they acquire the additional properties to the south for a larger lot

Have you seen the sign that is attached to the potential building site. will attend the public meeting when the date is posted.
I agree with TorontoArchitect, this thread should be about our building, inside and out.
Any concerns and complaints have first to be adressed to management, and only if management does not act in a timely manner or does not act at all, a letter to the Board of Directors should be sent. The board will then act accordingly.
The building PDI has not taken place yet, the board is in the process of choosing an engineering firm with adequate expertise in this field. Rocky is of great help since he works as an egineer with/for the City of Toronto.
To be fair, management does not (and cannot) walk every single floor of the building every single day to look for deficiencies, but, when such deficiencies are being brought to the management's attention by residents, management will act. From my experience this worked quite well in the past, but if anybody has concerns in this regard, please let me know.
TorontoArchitect, please send me a copy of your emails to Roseanne which have not been addressed by her, I will definitely follow up on the topics.
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yes inside and out, I think the view is an out lol. I don't think its the place to bash anyone's choice of patio decoration though.
