Toronto 405 Sherbourne | 84.4m | 25s | CreateTO | SvN

Northern Light

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May 20, 2007
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Site announced for Phase 2 of Housing Now.

Currently a Green P lot located just north of Carlton, on the east side of Sherbourne.


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Is this the site right across the street from the Phoenix? Never made sense to me to have such a large parking lot on a main street.
Don't think it will happen and would slow the process some; but I think the City would do well to acquire the 2 low-density apartment buildings to the south; and consolidate the site.

I would also suggest considering this site in conjunction w/the existing coop housing on the east side of Bleeker. Some of that is low'ish density, awkwardly situated relative to adjacent park space; and aging.

Taken together, there could be an opportunity for meaningful new density, and affordable housing, while also renewing aging stock, and slightly increasing, local parkspace and giving it a more functional layout as well.
The 'concept' is essentially a massing placeholder at this point.

Thank goodness.

The way the model relates to Sherbourne is offensive. But I'm not taking it seriously at this point.

This express commitment makes me happy:

The final design of the development will be compatible with the character of the existing heritage properties and the character of the district.
If that is the height they are going with, they are better off selling the site to the private sector in order to build more housing.

Seriously, this is on a main downtown street, and near high-rise clusters in St James Town and Regent Park. They should have shot for 30+ storeys if they were serious about affordable housing.
159SW is a block north and Diamondcorp fairly easily breezed their way to 36 storeys there. That should be the target here too.
eriously, this is on a main downtown street, and near high-rise clusters in St James Town and Regent Park. They should have shot for 30+ storeys if they were serious about affordable housing.
It’s the city. Every affordable housing site proposed in the last year is under-developed. It’d be laughable if people weren’t being shortchanged in the process.
159SW is a block north and Diamondcorp fairly easily breezed their way to 36 storeys there. That should be the target here too.

The challenge is that the parking-lot is on the EAST side of Sherbourne and therefore inside the very-wonky borders of the "Cabbagetown Northwest Heritage Conservation District"

405 Sherbourne - Heritage Borders.png
This area is such a hodgepodge of styles. Some of which I love and others less so.Victorians next to 20’s apartments next to 70’s housing. I do think this an oddity with a Green P and housing here would be perfect. However I do not think a 36 story tower is appropriate here. St James Town is north of Wellesley and taller buildings are west of Sherbourne where I think they should stay.
The challenge is that the parking-lot is on the EAST side of Sherbourne and therefore inside the very-wonky borders of the "Cabbagetown Northwest Heritage Conservation District"
I assume that makes building anything in that parking lot challenging? Somewhat 'amusing' and ironic that our heritage protection keeps a parking lot around.
