The Brock Road interchange will become secondary once the new 6 South interchange is up and running. It's definitely different than what's there now, but I think the roundabout is a good addition, otherwise there would have been a boatload of left turns needed.
Brock is either a secondary road – in which case the existing ramps at 401 and Brock Rd. should be satisfactory (and a $40M savings), or the area should be improved. One problem I see with alternative H6S3 is that the ramp from Brock SB to 401 WB should join 401 immediately and not join the hwy 6 NB to 401 WB ramp. There appears to be over 600m before the new ramp bridge – plenty of room for an acceleration lane.
If I was improving it, I would go in the following order – considering the most important movements first:
1. 401 EB to 6 SB. As given in EA.
2. 6 NB to 401 WB. As given in EA.
3. 6 NB to 401 EB. Revise – make freeway to freeway 90 degree ramp with speed of 70.
4. 401 WB to 6 SB. Due to 401 WB to Brock exit ramp, a high level ramp (similar to the 401-6N) is prohibitive since it would have to be 3 levels high. Revise – maintain ramp terminal north of 401 but eliminate second intersection (roundabout) by using ramp to service road and maintain loop interchange to 6S. (Depending on Property availability, it would be nice to increase the radius of this loop to 90m (50 km/hr).
5. Brock SB to 401 EB. Eliminate intersection (roundabout) and utilize ramp from Brock to service road. Ramp from service road to combine with highway 6 ramp to 401.
6. Brock SB to 401 WB. Remove this traffic from two intersections. Revise – add 90 degree ramp from Brock to 401 WB.
7. 401 EB to Brock. Due to freeway to freeway ramp, this was relocated to the service road.
8. 6 NB to Brock. Review the need for this ramp – possibly much of this traffic could have exited from hwy 6 one interchange before, just south of Morriston. Either eliminate ramp or maintain as shown in EA. Pretty easy ramp so probably keep.
9. 401 WB to Brock. As given in EA.
10. Brock NB to 401 EB. There should not be much traffic since traffic south of Morriston would have entered hwy 6 and not continued onto Brock St. Either traffic turns left onto service road and enters 401 using the same ramp adjacent to Highway 6, or, turn right onto 90 degree ramp at south-west quadrant of 401/Brock.
11. Brock NB to 401 WB. There should not be much traffic since traffic south of Morriston would have entered hwy 6 and not continued onto Brock St. Either traffic turns left onto ramp just north of 401, or maintain existing loop interchange on north-east quadrant of 401/Brock.
12. 401 EB to 401 EB (via carpool). Either come back through intersection on service road and use ramp adjacent to hwy 6, or utilize ramp at south-west quadrant of 401/Brock.
13. Brock SB to 6 SB. Probably not a high demand, but accommodated similar to EA.
14. Brock NB to 6 SB. Probably not a high demand, but accommodated similar to EA.
15. Carpool lot. Relocate the entrance from unsignalized street to the intersection with the Service Road.
Another important thing, constructability on this is much easier since all (most) work is away from the existing interchange loops.
Maybe a picture will describe it better.
Once this is decided, there are a couple of questions.
1. Should the new Brock/401 bridge be shifted to the West to improve constructability?
2. Should the intersection between Brock and the Service Road be converted to a roundabout?