Developer: The Muzzo Group
Architect: BDP Quadrangle
Address: 3790 Highway 7 W, Vaughan
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 480 ft / 146.20 mStoreys: 45 storeys
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Vaughan 3790 Highway 7 West | 146.2m | 45s | The Muzzo Group | BDP Quadrangle

LOVE the towers, and the diamond shapes giving similiar to CIBC square, podium is pretty bland tho
This is one of the few good things the Muzzo Group did.

Marco Muzzo, heir to the Muzzo Group, selfishly killing the Neville-Lake family while driving drunk? It would be best to name each tower after each member of the Neville-Lake family slain.

This way, the Neville-Lake family will always be remembered.
