Developer: Concord Adex
Architect: DIALOG
Address: 1125 Sheppard Ave E, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 414 ft / 126.12 mStoreys: 40 storeys
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Toronto 1125 Sheppard Avenue East | 126.12m | 40s | Concord Adex | DIALOG

Concord + DIALOG are the new gruesome twosome.

To be fair to the architects... those 2 towers in the first rendering are definitely having a conversation:

40 storey tower: "damn you're looking butt ugly"

36 storey tower: "we're practically twins so... I'm rubber and you're ... ummm.... a jerk"
Looks like 1181 Sheppard East is east of 1125?

Interesting plan visualizing potential future developments.
(Block Context Plan, Page 17)
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Another POS development by 2 POS firms.

There's not one redeeming quality in this garbage proposal and it's truly all around filth. What embarrassing trash.
Equally pathetic is the notion that "the suburbs" are somehow less deserving of competent (let alone high-calibre) architecture worthy of a major global metropolis by virtue of being hidden away from the world's limelight. Lack of civic pride has long been a sore point in Toronto's cultural DNA.
