Developer: Lifetime Developments
Architect: Wallman Architects
Address: 141 Roehampton Ave, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 611 ft / 186.30 mStoreys: 58 storeys
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Toronto 141 Roehampton | 186.3m | 58s | Lifetime | Wallman Architects

Northern Light

Member Bio
May 20, 2007
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New application into the AIC for this one:


Streetview of site as it is today:


Oh, and * Docs are Up *

Proponent is : Lifetime 141 Roehampton Inc.

Architect is Wallman:


Below: (View from West)


Below (View from east)




I have to say that I am appreciating the instant file upload that has been occurring on the AIC lately..

LOL, it's not so much instant. Look at the upload date; it's June 28th. What used to happen is that as soon as Planning received any files electronically the application could be seen on the public facing side of the AIC. The docs would generally be made public when a) A Planner was assigned; b) when all the docs were uploaded.

Now what's happening is that the entire application is invisible on the public-facing side until conditions A and B have been met.

So, in the past, I would (or @ferusian ) most likely, would have posted the app here on June 28th, just over 3 weeks ago; then the docs today. Instead you get both as a bundle.
I always liked that building. The replacement looks very bland, almost as bad as E2 Condos, but if I were to say I'm surprised something is proposed here would be a lie. That being said, Roehampton will be a very different street after all this construction.
I like the original building too, but my objection to the replacement is its scale. I can't say I've ever understood the appeal of these monstrously large skyscrapers. It would've been more appealing if it was half its height. The old building is nice, human scale.

I should head over and take some pictures before it gets demolished.
It's the height required to make the financials viable for the dev. Nothing to do with aesthetics.
Love 2 stick 614 units with 5 elevators. Good luck.

Adding one elevator would presumably cost one unit per floor on average (assuming one would not wish to shrink average unit size), does that sound right? If so, does the project still look 'economically' viable at that level to you?

I'm not sold on this project regardless; I'm just curious about the number-crunching here. I'm assuming it would depend on what was paid for the site, which I don't recall, if I ever knew.
Adding one elevator would presumably cost one unit per floor on average (assuming one would not wish to shrink average unit size), does that sound right? If so, does the project still look 'economically' viable at that level to you?

I'm not sold on this project regardless; I'm just curious about the number-crunching here. I'm assuming it would depend on what was paid for the site, which I don't recall, if I ever knew.
No transaction yet but it's not far off of what you might expect for a site like this (DM me, I dunno).
I have no issue with the massing/height, as I'm all for density, but it would be so much easier to be a YIMBY in this city if the developers weren't replacing nice brick buildings with so many dreary glass and grey towers. I'm convinced NIMBYs would still NIMBY, but being a YIMBY would feel like a more honorable calling if all the architects in this town didn't have such an aversion to color and texture
Love to see these new projects with limited car parking an plenty of bike parking. Built for the future where 60% of people bike everyday, like in Amsterdam. ;)
