Architect: Arcadis
Address: 180 Steeles Ave W, Vaughan
Category: Residential (Market-Rate Rental, Condo, Unspecified), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 599 ft / 182.60 mStoreys: 55 storeys
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Vaughan 180 Steeles Avenue West | 182.6m | 55s | Constantine | Arcadis


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Apr 8, 2008
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Another proposal to redevelop a strip mall on the north side of Steeles west of Yonge. 2080 new residential units in 6 towers ranging in heights from 18-44 stories.

Along with the Gupta proposal at the corner of Yonge and Steeles and 100 Steeles W proposal this will add around 5800 new units to this intersection.
Doesn't appear like Constantine is an actual 'Developer', but rather an investor. Browsing through their "developments", I could find The One and 128 Hazleton. Perhaps this is the rumored Mizrahi development?
^ This site is within walking distance of any future Steeles station on Yonge.
^ This site is within walking distance of any future Steeles station on Yonge.

Hardly any walking required - Steeles Subway Station on Yonge line 1 will have the mother of all underground bus terminal platform with 26 bus bays extending westward from Yonge Street - towards this site at 180 Steeles! And very likely a TTC entrance at the western end of this huge bus platform

source: slide 15
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Not at all surprised to see this stretch finally receiving development applications.

I feel like Vaughan should have actively sought to retain space for a future east-west pubic road towards the rear of all these lots property lines.
I feel like Vaughan should have actively sought to retain space for a future east-west pubic road towards the rear of all these lots property lines.

That's being done on a development by development basis,.... each development must convey land to the municipality, here it's at north end for service road and some at south end for wider public realm sidewalk and depending on development (like this one) a north-south strip straight down the middle for roadway as seen in above image.

This is basically the same playbook from North York Centre Secondary Plan area that produce wider public realm sidewalks along Yonge Street and gathered land to extend the Service roads of Doris Ave and Beecroft Road.
Can the thread title be updated to reflect the developer as Mizrahi and the architects as CORE Architects?
Source of that information please?

