Developer: Distrikt Group
Architect: Teeple Architects
Address: 157-165 Cross Avenue , Oakville
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail), Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 668 ft / 203.50 mStoreys: 61 storeys
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Oakville 157 Cross Avenue | 203.5m | 61s | Distrikt Group | Teeple Architects

This looks pretty schematic still, it isn’t really a real project yet by the looks of it.

The Oakville condo market seems to be really taking off right now, but it’s mostly further north along Dundas. Hopefully it shifts down here with the much better transit and highway access.
About time movement began here.
This looks pretty schematic still, it isn’t really a real project yet by the looks of it.

The Oakville condo market seems to be really taking off right now, but it’s mostly further north along Dundas. Hopefully it shifts down here with the much better transit and highway access.

Yeah it's great to see "Midtown" Oakville finally start to develop. With GO Trains every 20 mins in the weekday off-peak, it really has the potential to become a great transit-oriented community. Hopefully we see more proposals over the coming years.
There is a petition being circulated to stop development in mid-town Oakville. How can we counter-act it?

