Developer: CentreCourt, SmartCentres REIT
Address: Portage Pkwy at Millway Ave, Vaughan
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2021
Height: 578 ft / 176.17 mStoreys: 55 storeys
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Transit City Condos (CentreCourt) - Real Estate-


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Apr 20, 2017
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OK, other than people bashing marketing and design, does anyone care to share insight on investment characteristics of the property? Is CentreCourt a reliable developer with no mid/long-term issues in their buildings?
they are pretty new - they have only done a few buildings so far. would be tough to know long term issues. They have done Peter Street Condos, Karma, Indx, and Core condos, all of which are from 2 years to mere months into occupation.
They are inexperienced... quite a coup them getting Vaughan deal. But expertise? Questionable.
It was quite the lineup, at least the weather was nice.
No gym in the building as YMCA (immediately next door) membership will be integrated into the monthly maintenance, at least until the condo board decides not to continue it in the future (if ever).
looks like they sweeten the deal with 1 yr. adult TTC pass for all purchases (i believe ~150/mo?)
parking maint. is $70 which is downtown prices :/
Does anyone know where I can find a shadow survey for transit city... phase 1 and phase 2?
Trying to decide in which building should I buy a 2 bedroom unit: TC-3 or The MET. The difference in price is 25,000 (TC-3 being more expensive). Would anyone have any suggestion? Thank you.
Centrecourt has just sent unavoidable delay letters to TC3 purchasers, with no estimate on new completion dates. Anyone in TC1/2 get the same letters?
