Senior Member
In the context of soundbites, Liberals complaining Ford liking Trump will come off as absurd deflection, in my opinion. The Liberals would be so much better off using 30 second sound bites to attack the source of the Ford power: Rob Ford. Attack RoFo's record as mayor and then build on that by pointing out that DoFo was even worse as a councillor.
I agree with your first point of comparing Ford to Trump will make the Liberals look like they are just trying to scare people with false analogies and it will turn people off. The Liberals will attack Ford due to his use of cheap slogans and little policy so using cheap slogans against Ford himself will look disingenuous.
I however STRONGLY disagree with your second point of using 30 second sound bits from his brother. If Doug supported some of Rob's policies then simply state that and their negative consequences but by using Rob's quote and tangents the Liberals could rightly be accused of judging a person by the actions of their family members which would rub people, including myself, the wrong way. Going after Doug due to his own tactics or policy is legitimate but attacking him due to nothing more than guilt by association is a cheap shot and will be viewed by the public as such.