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2018 Provincial Election Transit Promises

In the context of soundbites, Liberals complaining Ford liking Trump will come off as absurd deflection, in my opinion. The Liberals would be so much better off using 30 second sound bites to attack the source of the Ford power: Rob Ford. Attack RoFo's record as mayor and then build on that by pointing out that DoFo was even worse as a councillor.

I agree with your first point of comparing Ford to Trump will make the Liberals look like they are just trying to scare people with false analogies and it will turn people off. The Liberals will attack Ford due to his use of cheap slogans and little policy so using cheap slogans against Ford himself will look disingenuous.

I however STRONGLY disagree with your second point of using 30 second sound bits from his brother. If Doug supported some of Rob's policies then simply state that and their negative consequences but by using Rob's quote and tangents the Liberals could rightly be accused of judging a person by the actions of their family members which would rub people, including myself, the wrong way. Going after Doug due to his own tactics or policy is legitimate but attacking him due to nothing more than guilt by association is a cheap shot and will be viewed by the public as such.
I agree with your first point of comparing Ford to Trump will make the Liberals look like they are just trying to scare people with false analogies and it will turn people off. The Liberals will attack Ford due to his use of cheap slogans and little policy so using cheap slogans against Ford himself will look disingenuous.

I however STRONGLY disagree with your second point of using 30 second sound bits from his brother. If Doug supported some of Rob's policies then simply state that and their negative consequences but by using Rob's quote and tangents the Liberals could rightly be accused of judging a person by the actions of their family members which would rub people, including myself, the wrong way. Going after Doug due to his own tactics or policy is legitimate but attacking him due to nothing more than guilt by association is a cheap shot and will be viewed by the public as such.

There is only one way to beat a Populist and its to not attack them. The Lefts biased coverage heavily outweigh the Rights is so smothering that any attack is countered by these types who can call out the obvious. The voter disgust of unbalanced coverage alone leads voters to these types, attacking only adds to the disgust. Voters who don't even want to vote Doug but are fed up with the Liberals will soon warm if the pile-on mounts. The Big Left machine is the Populists biggest lobby these days and they cant seem to adapt, yet.

I'm not counting out Wynne at all but the Liberals are certainly following the path weve seen many times which will make it easier for Doug. Wouldn't be shocked either way. Only thing that would shock me is the NDP winning as I don't see that as a real possibility until spending becomes urgent again and that would be after 8-12 years after a Conservative government running amuck "reigning" in spending with control of the Province. Also when it comes down to voting I expect many would be NDP voters will vote Liberal in this election out of fear. Similar to Tory-Ford and the Liberals have clearly added some key spending in the budget to entice them further.
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Maybe he'll restrict funding to organizations that will sign a pledge to adhere to his moral view.


Already done. Thank's Liberals for violating the Charter and stifling our freedoms

Nonsense. The Charter does not require the government to fund organizations - particularly ones that deny participation by identifiable groups. It's like someone saying not funding religious schools is a Charter violation.

The mainstream press which has become left leaning, very left leaning in some cases.

You mean this?


(image from


The mainstream press which has become left leaning, very left leaning in some cases.

I don't see any overarching bias there. There are some publications that lean left and some that lean right. Same with television. You can't look at The Star and the CBC in isolation and say that mainstream media as a whole has a left-wing bias. Global, CTV, Globe-and-Mail, National Post, The Sun are all center, center-right to right-wing biased publications/broadcasters.
Last I checked, CBC, CTV and City, Global are all fairly centrist, and with regards to the newspapers:

The Star: Left
Globe and Mail: Right
Sun: Far Right
The Observer: Left (but it's run by students so it should not be considered)
National Post: Right

It seems fairly balanced to me. If not, there's a right-wing bias within the newspapers.

Mind you, most newspapers supported the conservative party in the last federal election.,_2011

Sure, you'll find local papers who lean a little more right, even though the national discourse has shifted so far left that many sources seem right just because they don't push left wing narratives. I suppose the effect is more pronounced in the US where the most prominent newspaper in the world (NYT) is leaning quite hard to the left.
Last I checked, CBC, CTV and City, Global are all fairly centrist, and with regards to the newspapers:

The Star: Left
Globe and Mail: Right
Sun: Far Right
The Observer: Left (but it's run by students so it should not be considered)
National Post: Right

It seems fairly balanced to me. If not, there's a right-wing bias within the newspapers.

Mind you, most newspapers supported the conservative party in the last federal election.,_2011

More papers by number, but what about readership?
Last I checked, CBC, CTV and City, Global are all fairly centrist, and with regards to the newspapers:

The Star: Left
Globe and Mail: Right
Sun: Far Right
The Observer: Left (but it's run by students so it should not be considered)
National Post: Right

It seems fairly balanced to me. If not, there's a right-wing bias within the newspapers.

Mind you, most newspapers supported the conservative party in the last federal election.,_2011

The Star: Far Left (now affiliated w/ New York Times and the US octopus incl. Guardian )
Sun: Far Right (no doubt)
Globe and Mail: Centre Left
National Post: Centre Right
The Observer: Left (but it's run by students so it should not be considered)
Metroland: Left has taken over many local papers in this Province the recent years and has long arms. Hamilton Spectator, Scarborough Mirror etc...

Go Train material is well balanced:
Metro - Left
24 - Right

Lots of small internet media popping up which is far more Left

CBC: Left and this is the one that gets the Cons most support against media bias
CTV: Centre Left
CP24: Fairly neutral (some here call CPtwentyFORD, but are associated with CTV)
Global: Centre Left
Now Magazine: Far Left
The Varsity: Far Left (Metroland): Far Left
The Rebel: Far Right

.....Quite a few more little spin offs and the majority are Left. This site seems to do well hashing out the bigger ones.
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I can't tell if you're being ironic or not.

That's a paid front page advertisement from the Conservative party, literally nothing to do with the editorial content. Or do you think that all the car ads and real estate listings are written by journalists there too?

And the article that you link to is a prime example of ideological activism masquerading as journalism.
The Star: Far Left (now affiliated w/ New York Times and the US octopus incl. Guardian )
Globe and Mail: Centre Left
Sun: Far Right (no doubter)
The Observer: Left (but it's run by students so it should not be considered)
National Post: Centre Right
Metroland: Left has taken over a lot of local papers in the recent history. Hamilton, Spectator, Scarborough Mirror
Metro - Left
24 - Right

Lots of small internet media popping up which is far more Left

CBC: Left and this is the one that gets the Cons most support against media bias
CTV: Centre Left
CP24: Fairly neutral
Now Magazine: Far Left
The Varsity: Far Left
The Rebel: Far Right

.....Quite a few more little spin offs and the majority are Left. This site seems to do well hashing out the bigger ones.

Are we going with the US standard of "Left" or the Canadian? Because it seems to me that comparing our news organizations to those of the US would be extremely unfair considering the differences in political ideologies and priorities.
