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2015 Federal Election

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I am very interested about yesterday's Canada Federal Election - and it is good to see that Justin Trudeau has been elected Canada's next Prime Minister...

I heard a mention that Stephen Harper actually looked to RF and DF for support in his campaign - to me enough of a reason to not support Harper's re-election...

Has their been a map posted showing which seats each party has won? I heard that the Liberal Party got a good majority over the Conservatives in this Election...

Will the NDP - and Bloc Quebecois - join the Liberals and form a clear coalition government against the Conservatives?

I noted a Washington Post article posted by Videodrome showing a huge difference between Canada and US Federal Elections showing that many Canadians are
actually tired of the campaign even though it ran for around three months - give or take - compared to how the 2016 US Presidential Election candidates are now
running hard in some respects - and when both US parties finally settle on nominees next year we will see who the US Electorate tires of - or supports then...

The trouble with a short campaign in the US is money first and foremost - and the US Supreme Court Citizens United ruling allowing virtually unlimited campaign
financing - a short campaign period for a US Presidential Election - especially one with a open seat challenge like the 2016 one is - would be too short unfortunately
for what is at stake in 2016 even though a short Canadian style campaign season has its merits...

Long Island Mike

If this is the last election with FPTP, it would be the ultimate in hypocrisy. The Liberals claim that Harper requiring ID is an assault on democracy, while Trudeau in one simple bill in Parliaments changes the election rules that we have had for 150 years.
Somehow, I would expect that the voters of Canada would not be stupid enough to allow this to happen. Although, I have underestimated the stupidity of the voter on several occasions in the past 2 years.
Could Harper pull a Prentice and quit as an MP?

If this is the last election with FPTP, it would be the ultimate in hypocrisy.

Thanks to that system, you can get elected with 17% of the vote!
Liberals have a mandate to change the electoral system to benefit them better. Trudeau just double-downed today with that press conference.

So what do you think we are going to see? Probably not PR (unfortunately) as that would be too challenging constitutionally, and would require approval from all the provinces (which might actually be possible with Notley's Alberta), but perhaps we can see STV?

I think it's been a great first day under Justin Trudeau. I was also happy to hear from Adam Vaughan that the island airport expansion is dead, that climate change has become a serious issue again, that relationships with the provincial premiers and foreign leaders will be repaired, and that we will start seeing some freaking press conferences with the media more often.
Will the NDP - and Bloc Quebecois - join the Liberals and form a clear coalition government against the Conservatives?

No, the Liberals have a majority so there is no need for a coalition government. They can now pass any legislation without support from the other parties. A coalition would only come into play in the event of a minority government.
If this is the last election with FPTP, it would be the ultimate in hypocrisy. The Liberals claim that Harper requiring ID is an assault on democracy, while Trudeau in one simple bill in Parliaments changes the election rules that we have had for 150 years.
Somehow, I would expect that the voters of Canada would not be stupid enough to allow this to happen. Although, I have underestimated the stupidity of the voter on several occasions in the past 2 years.

Your comment is the ultimate in hypocrisy.

He won this election, won a majority, on the promise of bringing in electoral reform. If that isn't democracy to you, I have no idea what is.

Not to mention that the alternate electoral systems are still democratic. There is no assault on democracy. Quit being so dramatic.
Your comment is the ultimate in hypocrisy.
He won this election, won a majority, on the promise of bringing in electoral reform. If that isn't democracy to you, I have no idea what is.
Not to mention that the alternate electoral systems are still democratic. There is no assault on democracy. Quit being so dramatic.

Well, on the matter of democracy - a supporter of someone who claim that coalition government is anti-democratic (the whole "loser" don't get to form government talk), in spite of our rules while proposing the very same thing in a letter to the GG before ones' ascent to power got some nerve to talk about assault on democracy, much less stupidity.

The letter in question:

Oh wait, stupidity in the form of ignorance of the rules was exactly what he was counting on. Where's the indignant outrage?

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