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2015 Federal Election

You think there is a problem with a senior member of Trudeau's team telling the proponents of a pipeline that Trudeau has not publicly said he would support that

Really, that is a problem?

Or is it more that the LPC still state that

What is your problem with this?

Where did I say I have a problem with it?
Where did I say I have a problem with it?
my post was supposed to be a bit tongue in cheek/laced with sarcasm/irony as, personally, I have a problem with it....of all the "gaffes" in this election this has to be worse than some idiot peeing in a cup...but from the coverage it is receiving it seems not. ....sorry if you took it as a poke/shot at you.
my post was supposed to be a bit tongue in cheek/laced with sarcasm/irony as, personally, I have a problem with it....of all the "gaffes" in this election this has to be worse than some idiot peeing in a cup...but from the coverage it is receiving it seems not. ....sorry if you took it as a poke/shot at you.

No worries. I do think it reflects poorly on the Liberals, hence why Im worried about what it will do for support. That being said, it's not like this person was a senior member of the team. He was a volunteer and had no role in crafting policy. The email also didn't go into specifics, and was mostly general advice to TransCanada Corp.

The coverage is definitely being overshadowed by the Jays, and I think the timing of him stepping down was a strategic decision by the party, as they literally couldn't have picked a better time.
The email also didn't go into specifics, and was mostly general advice to TransCanada Corp.
I'm so glad I sold my TransCanada shares back in 2014 when oil was over $100/barrel and their pipeline looked to have a future. Made about 30% margin on that. Now they're laying off staff and looking grim.
With the Hazel endorsement, the Cons can say to their Mississauga seats goodbye.

Not that they had much of a chance prior to this ad - it was pretty much going all red - this seals it.

The truly awful compare and contrast would be Harper showing up with The Fo's while Trudeau with Hazel.

No worries. I do think it reflects poorly on the Liberals, hence why Im worried about what it will do for support. That being said, it's not like this person was a senior member of the team. He was a volunteer and had no role in crafting policy.

He was the campaign much more senior could he have been without being a candidate?

I do think this will just go away....particularly in Ontario where we seemed very willing to accept that the Provincial campaign co-chair at the time (Kathleen Wynne) had no knowledge of their gas plant plans. ;)
He was the campaign much more senior could he have been without being a candidate?

I do think this will just go away....particularly in Ontario where we seemed very willing to accept that the Provincial campaign co-chair at the time (Kathleen Wynne) had no knowledge of their gas plant plans. ;)

Or that Harper has no knowledge that Nigel (Chief of Staff at the PMO, no less) is paying off Duffy ;)

Or that Harper has no knowledge that Nigel (Chief of Staff at the PMO, no less) is paying off Duffy ;)

Yes...they are all pretty hard to believe.......but one of those did not go quietly into that good night like the other two. ;)

If we are striving for balanced/even discussion it should be pointed out that Wright did not "pay off Duffy"...he repaid the taxpayer money that Duffy owed but felt he shouldn't (or perhaps couldn't) pay back. Not sure why it was spun so secretly (personally I think they could have turned that into a positive with voters by taking a "we think it should be paid back to the taxpayer, so the CPC is repaying it and we will try and recover it from Mr. Duffy" stance...but, sure, the way they did it it is hard to believe that people who said they did not know actually didn't know).
Yes...they are all pretty hard to believe.......but one of those did not go quietly into that good night like the other two. ;)

If we are striving for balanced/even discussion it should be pointed out that Wright did not "pay off Duffy"...he repaid the taxpayer money that Duffy owed but felt he shouldn't (or perhaps couldn't) pay back. Not sure why it was spun so secretly (personally I think they could have turned that into a positive with voters by taking a "we think it should be paid back to the taxpayer, so the CPC is repaying it and we will try and recover it from Mr. Duffy" stance...but, sure, the way they did it it is hard to believe that people who said they did not know actually didn't know).

I don't recall Harper resigning, so where did the quietly in the good night part come about? And let's not get into sophistry and do the Clinton here:

Those who live in glass houses really shouldn't throw stones.

He was the campaign much more senior could he have been without being a candidate?

I do think this will just go away....particularly in Ontario where we seemed very willing to accept that the Provincial campaign co-chair at the time (Kathleen Wynne) had no knowledge of their gas plant plans. ;)

He was campaign co-chair in name, but had no role in policy, and wasn't always with the campaign. He was serving on a volunteer basis, as opposed to senior members of the team who have been on the campaign full time.
I don't recall Harper resigning, so where did the quietly in the good night part about?

Not sure why you feel we need to argue about this...but....what I said was that two of the referred gaffs went (or will likely go) quietly (the "i didn't know even though I was campaign co-chair" ones).....anyone thinks that the Duffy escapade was a quiet thing is kidding dominated the front half of this campaign.

Maybe you missed the part in my post where I agreed that "it is hard to believe that people who said they did not know actually didn't know" ?
Maybe you missed the part in my post where I agreed that "it is hard to believe that people who said they did not know actually didn't know" ?

Actually, I am referring more to the critique/accusation of how those in Ontario behaved, vis-a-vis how one voted at the end of the day.

Actually, I am referring more to the critique/accusation of how those in Ontario behaved, vis-a-vis how one voted at the end of the day.

It was not (at least intentionally) meant as a critique...more of an observation.....I see a big similarity between the co-chair situations and I was simply observing that I don't think it will change anything here.

As for the election itself, it is becoming clearer by the poll that the Libs have grabbed the sentiment of more voters but it really seems to be more of an NDP collapse story than any growing anti-Haper/CPC message. Here is the latest put out by the Star.



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