I also thought Trudeau was the surprising one last night. Whoever handled his prep, kudos! I can't stand the way the man normally talks, and last night he seemed like a completely different person.
That is... until the closing statement. What the hell was that? And why the hell are the Liberals standing behind it as a good closing? It was terrible! All Trudeau had to do was hold the momentum he had throughout the debate and he would have came out unscathed, especially after Mulcair tripped on his words and got lost midway through his closing. I was hoping for a knockout from Trudeau and instead got a whimper.
May was by far my favourite of the night. I really hope this debate leads to her securing more votes, and that the broadcasters see the benefit of having her at the debates to begin with. She wasn't afraid of supporting good answers from other candidates, and she wasn't afraid of attacking either. The lack of partisanship from her is refreshing and something I'd like to see more of in Parliament.
All in all, I think everyone did a good job. No clear winner to me, and no clear loser. Harper held his own, Mulcair got his vision across, May came out as coherent and prepared, and Trudeau proved he could stand up there with the big guys. Kudos to Macleans too... It was a great debate and the moderation was among the best that I can remember.