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2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

Oh, those commentors -- tax contributors? Good for you edmundoconnor at trying to engage them, but I fear you're going to end up banging your head against a wall.

Ugh. I hate when people claim to represent everyone in a given group, like that guy who claims to know what every tax-payer thinks.

Same with tax-paying associations. I don't agree with them and I pay taxes!
Sue Ann Levy's column about Chow. No interviews for SAL because, according to Chow's communication's director, it would be “like Obama talking to a birther."

It's mind-boggling that SAL continues to mock and bash people, and in such a mean-spirited, unfounded way, for the smallest and most irrelevant things (David Miller's hair colour, really?) and then complains when people want nothing to do with her.

But ask a few direct questions about Ford and his behaviour and oh no, we're bullying him! Leave him alone with his crack pipe and his mickey of vodka, you big bullies!

And she can't come up with anything solid against Chow aside from vague accusations re 'the public teat' and the old co-op housing canard. Seems like a little more recently, SAL and her spouse were involved in something not entirely kosher either:

'... Sue Ann Levy reports that Ms. Alexander told her that the disabled person only visited'

'... no provision was made for wheelchair access into the house. There was never any intention to have a disabled person reside here'

'In the conversation, Ms. Alexander indicated to Mr. [A.] that Ms. Levy will be moving in with Ms. Alexander'

'Clearly Ms. Levy would have a vested interest in the parking arrangements at Ms. Alexander’s home'
Conflict of interest, perhaps?
Olivia Chow has a style that is very encouraging at this point; I hope she has the energy to keep this up, her taking dead aim at the circus show at City Hall should be the game and it appears that it is the game. I guess that should be easy with such a huge target in the crosshairs.

She seems to be good at staying level-headed when the media start to get personal.

Meanwhile Stintz appears to have purged her tweet about the co-op.
i have a feeling the co-op story's corpse is going to be bludgeoned week in, week out until October 27. Effective or not (it is not, as people will tune out after a few weeks of it), it is pretty much all her opponents have. Bringing up a story that is old enough to vote is a sign of desperation. With Ford, it's a new embarrassment every week.
Two words for Karen Stintz: print screen.

Yeah, whoever is running Stintz' Twitter account (and I hope it's just an intern and not Stintz herself, although that would be hilarious) needs to realize that screen caps live forever!

I look forward to many such reversals ... flip-flops, you might say ... on her part.
i have a feeling the co-op story's corpse is going to be bludgeoned week in, week out until October 27. Effective or not (it is not, as people will tune out after a few weeks of it), it is pretty much all her opponents have. Bringing up a story that is old enough to vote is a sign of desperation. With Ford, it's a new embarrassment every week.

True, and Chow really only needs to address it once and for all (would be nice if the Star admitted that they had a part in creating this mess as well).

With Ford's problems, however, there is really no end of things that need explaining.
True, and Chow really only needs to address it once and for all (would be nice if the Star admitted that they had a part in creating this mess as well).

With Ford's problems, however, there is really no end of things that need explaining.
I disagree; there will always be people who bring it up. It has been addressed and it keeps coming up. Just like Ford's claim of saving $1 billion has been addressed, I continue to see people claim it as a reason to support him. Some things never die.
I disagree; there will always be people who bring it up. It has been addressed and it keeps coming up. Just like Ford's claim of saving $1 billion has been addressed, I continue to see people claim it as a reason to support him. Some things never die.

Then the only way to deal with it is to keep saying 'Nope' and presenting the evidence. The important thing is not to let it dominate the conversation, especially since the issue, such as it is, is 23 years in the past at this point. The one billion supposedly saved happened in the past two years and the evidence against that is even easier to find.
If anything, she as a women, can get away with calling names more than Tory or Ford could as they would come off as bullies.

On a side note, try listening to either Stintz or Chow for more than 30 seconds uninterrupted. Really hard to get through.

Well, I suppose we have woman doctors now, and woman drivers, so perhaps we ought to be willing to tolerate a female politician or two, even if they are getting away with bullying and they're super-hard to listen to for even 30 seconds uninterrupted.

Well, I suppose we have woman doctors now, and woman drivers, so perhaps we ought to be willing to tolerate a female politician or two, even if they are getting away with bullying and they're super-hard to listen to for even 30 seconds uninterrupted.


Yeah, I didn't get the point of that comment either. What was it, blixtex - the tone, the content, something else?
I disagree; there will always be people who bring it up. It has been addressed and it keeps coming up. Just like Ford's claim of saving $1 billion has been addressed, I continue to see people claim it as a reason to support him. Some things never die.

I don't see why it's not something worth bringing up. As high income earners she and her late husband chose to live in a housing complex where her rent was subsidized by the taxpayer. Why is that not something that the voting public should be aware of?

In September of 1998, then-municipal affairs minister Al Leach told an estimates committee, during questions on the Layton/Chow co-op affair, that the cost to operate each unit was $1,200 per month and anyone claiming $900 was market value still received a “subsidy from Ontario taxpayers.

I wouldn't hang her on these actions alone however but this is fair game reporting.

Why the media is fixated on her and not John Tory, the front runner in this race, is really peculiar to me. I assume as the election gets closer she will just fade away. I don't think anyone really takes her that seriously as a candidate for mayor. She is a very strong left wing candidate and that is absolutely not what this city needs or wants today. We already had that version of mayor in David Miller, with his summer of stink (garbage strike) and his sweetheart union deals.
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