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2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

I've received hints that Olivia will be launching as early as Thursday. She'll run a positive campaign but won't ignore Ford and Tory. She'll label Tory as more of the same lack of vision and ambition that will keep Toronto from reaching its potential. We need to aim higher not just fill potholes!
John Tory's Achilles' heel is that he was the CEO of Rogers, one of the most hated companies in the GTA. She'll remind people about that at every opportunity.
She'll be running a oneToronto themed campaign that will pull on our heart strings for our city and make us view Ford as the villain who spent 4 years pitting us against one another. I have no doubt that Laschinger can execute on that. I'm eager to see how he pulls it off.

LOL at the Rogers reference. Anytime I hear someone going on about the efficiency of private business compared to government, I remind them about Rogers and Bell. They're basically like dealing with the government, except you can't vote out their leadership.

Hopefully by not wanting a Ford circus we don't by default get a return to Miller time. Not that Chow is Miller 2.0. On the contrary, I'd like to see how she's neither.

The Miller era was by far the best years post-amalgamation Toronto has seen. Pretty much all of the "successes" of the Ford era have been made possible by the efforts of Miller to reform and stabilize the city in the wake of amalgamation. Can you imagine the situation we'd be in if we had gone directly from Lastman to Ford?
She has a very ambitious agenda. Surprisingly in fact. It's not going to be easy to pull off but if she gets a strong mandate, she can make it happen.

Does "not easy to pull off" include a Scarborough LRT? Or do we have to wait until Thursday to find out?
1. Chow
2. Tory
3. Soknacki
4. Stintz
5. Everyone else
6. A cow
7. Ford

I really want to know Chows platform. I hope she doesn't touch scarborough, I'm willing to suffer a defeat of the island airport (I presume opposition is essentially default for her) for a more progressive mayor actually willing to spend on operating costs in this city, but turning back on Scarborough now is rather silly.
I'd have to see Chow's policies (especially transit) before picking, but my top two are Chow and Tory.

Other than that my list is the same as innsertnamehere except I'd replace the cow with Ikea Monkey.
Whomever promises to prioritize the DRL, move ahead with replacement of the 3rd Line with an extension of the 4th Line (wow, that was easier), support expansion of the island airport, move last call to 4 a.m., and not be Rob Ford gets my vote... so probably Tory.
Overall, this could shape up to be a good election. Just think how much better our options are with Chow, Soknacki, Tory, Stintz, and Ford than they were with Smitherman, Pantalone, Rossi, Thompson, and Ford. I think I would take any of the non-Ford candidates from 2014 over any of the candidates from 2010. Elections are unpredictable, but my hunch is that Ford becomes progressively less relevant as the campaign goes on. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I'd love to see him end up the same way John Nunziata did in 2003: going from competitor to footnote.
1. Karen Stintz
2. John Tory
3. Olivia Chow (I still think she really doesn't want to be mayor. I think the pressure of others pushed her into this. People like Stintz and Tory actually show a true passion and drive to be mayor. I think she would be better off as a MP.)
4. David Soknakci
1. Chow: Decent record, fingers crossed for a solid platform.
2. Soknacki: Who knew I would like a "fiscal conservative" so much?
37. Tory: My ALL HOPE IS LOST, GRAB WHAT YOU CAN choice. If October rolls around and Chow has tanked, Soknacki hasn't caught up, and Ford looks likely to win again, then I would grudgingly vote for Tory.
981. Stintz: I would cut off my right hand before I voted for Stintz. If truly necessary, I would then vote for her with the bloody stump. She flip flopped on transit and is providing vacuous nonsense and no numbers in her current platform. Somewhere in the afterworld, Vincent Van Gogh is giving her the evil eye for what she has already done to the reputation of sunflowers.
∞ Ford: Time for the late night comics to get new material.
I would cut off my right hand before I voted for Stintz. If truly necessary, I would then vote for her with the bloody stump. She flip flopped on transit and is providing vacuous nonsense and no numbers in her current platform. Somewhere in the afterworld, Vincent Van Gogh is giving her the evil eye for what she has already done to the reputation of sunflowers.

I don't know why anyone would put Karen Stintz as their number one choice. She also cut TTC service during record ridership growth, and voted to remove bike lanes on Jarvis. Speaking of flip flopping:

1. Chow: Decent record, fingers crossed for a solid platform.
2. Soknacki: Who knew I would like a "fiscal conservative" so much?
37. Tory: My ALL HOPE IS LOST, GRAB WHAT YOU CAN choice. If October rolls around and Chow has tanked, Soknacki hasn't caught up, and Ford looks likely to win again, then I would grudgingly vote for Tory.
981. Stintz: I would cut off my right hand before I voted for Stintz. If truly necessary, I would then vote for her with the bloody stump. She flip flopped on transit and is providing vacuous nonsense and no numbers in her current platform. Somewhere in the afterworld, Vincent Van Gogh is giving her the evil eye for what she has already done to the reputation of sunflowers.
∞ Ford: Time for the late night comics to get new material.

Nailed it.
