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2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

We keep going on about ranked ballots (because FPTP is a sham), but are they a sure thing in 2018? I may have missed something (yet again).
While the Premier has asked the minister responsible to introduce legislation allowing cities to have the option of choosing ranked balloting, neither the provincial legislation nor the decision by the city to take up the option have yet to happen.
Had another poll call the land line earlier this evening. Forum this time. So another poll out soon. I'm surprised there hasn't been more out - I guess they are all waiting for the end of the week.

Interesting that part of the question was asking who you would vote for, or had voted for if you voted in the advance polls. And then asked if you had voted in the advanced poll.

That could generate some interesting results, if they release it!
Are we going to require every candidate who proposes an idea to spend millions on engineering studies before running for office? It's a serious question. This is a rather serious burden to put on a candidate.

John Tory is getting slagged for something even his opponents have not done. Sure, Ford and Chow both support the DRL. By the standard expected of Tory, one would expect both those candidates to have details on their preferred DRL alignment, including cost.

I'm sort of glad the public is more tolerant about ideas without demanding CMA/PMP level financial forecasting.

I never said candidates should require engineering studies but it helps support one's transit plan. i.e. Ari, Olivia, and Soknacki planned to stick with LRT because it has less uncertainty compared to the scarborough subway which requires more studies as the alignment in the previous studies is not yet concrete. Also, the candidates didn't conduct these LRT studies, they were already done.

I talked about the media scrum because John Tory deflected several times and refused to actually say whether or not there were studies. Instead he would revert to Miller's grade.
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Royson James has an endorsement of Tory that just nails it.

It will be tough for Chow Nation to accept - they'll call him a sell-out and attack his position on strategic voting - but he's just dead on. For all the dead-eyed Chowites who are all hung up on how "John Tory doesn't believe in white privilege!" James writes:

Rob Ford was caught on tape talking in Jamaican patois, and the Fords sell themselves as men of the people. But in the several ethnic and racialized communities, Tory’s reach is extensive; and creditably so.
He was the first non-black recipient of a Harry Jerome Award, the African-Canadian community’s premier recognition. Add to that the Planet Africa and the African Canadian Achievement awards and you get the point.

I doubt the White Privilege crowd will get the point, but everyone else will.
Obviously that has even greater weight, what with James being African-Canadian himself. Checkmate as far as I'm concerned.

I honestly would have been OK with Olivia as mayor if she'd risen to the occasion but she lowered her gloves when it was time to punch and (ironic, given the die hard old-left support she still has) didn't push enough of a progressive agenda. My main takeaways from watching her campaign for nearly a year?
-She's the only one who cares about children
-She once saw a lady unable to get on a crowded streetcar and never got over it
-She really hates SmartTrack and thinks John Tory wants to bulldoze a neighbourhood

If she stood for much else, I never got it.

I never said candidates should require engineering studies but it helps support one's transit plan. i.e. Ari, Olivia, and Soknacki planned to stick with LRT because it has less uncertainty compared to the scarborough subway which requires more studies as the alignment in the previous studies is not yet concrete. Also, the candidates didn't conduct these LRT studies, they were already done.

One could counter (and I've seen others point it out) that SmartTrack is based on the GO/Metrolinx RER plan that's already underway. I said here or elsewhere that all Tory is doing is piggybacking on that plan and "marketing" a regional plan for Toronto voters. I think the overall moves by candidates to talk as if Metrolinx doesn't exist is a whole other issue but the fact is that, given that it's on GO lines, there is no way Tory could possibly make his plan happen just by selling it to council. It's not on TO property and it goes beyond the municipal borders, which is to say it's a regional project that, at the end of the day, is almost certain to be planned, designed and operated by Metrolinx.

I do think he should have spelled that out but given how voters get suckered in to these mayoral transit schemes, I don't blame him for keeping it simple. The reality of the project, which I'm sure he knows, answers pretty much all the legit questions about its routing and funding plan. Toronto won't confront that on its own but in an election Toronto likes to pretend it's an island in the middle of nowhere. One of the main things I like about Tory is that he knows it really isn't.
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I voted for Tory. Out of all the candidates, he is easily the best communicator and will bring an air of respectability back to the city. I like Chow and agree with a lot her points. But she is a poor communicator (and no, not due to her accent; she simply has a hard time stringing the words together, and this makes her seem like an amateur), and some of her missteps during this campaign, whether due to her own poor judgement or that of her "handlers", has left me disappointed and unable to offer my support.

I think Tory is good for business, and will easily work with the provincial and federal governments. Whatever his faults or personal failings, he truly does bridge many gaps, and I think he has a deep, sincere love for this city. However, I'm under no illusions; he is a politician and I don't for one second think that he is going to save us from anything other than the trailer trash gang of apes currently running amok. But he might enable some good ideas and progress to take root, and I think he can smooth some of the rough edges that have appeared due to the fractures within our city.
I never said candidates should require engineering studies but it helps support one's transit plan. i.e. Ari, Olivia, and Soknacki planned to stick with LRT because it has less uncertainty compared to the scarborough subway which requires more studies as the alignment in the previous studies is not yet concrete. Also, the candidates didn't conduct these LRT studies, they were already done.

I talked about the media scrum because John Tory deflected several times and refused to actually say whether or not there were studies. Instead he would revert to Miller's grade.

Why is it even necessary for Tory to have his engineering studies done on his own? There are several out there already for public consumption, as example
"Complete Report" GTHA Regional Rapid Rail "A Vision for Tormorrow" released by Transport Action Ontario Karl Junkin with intro by Edward J Levy
GO Electrication Study by Metrolinx
Appendix C5 The Stouffvile Corridor Study for Metrolinx by Burnside Associates
and on and on.......
I was voting last Sunday in Ward 10, and there was this guy who thought there was a problem with his ballot. I overheard him complaining to someone, saying "why is Rob Ford not on my list, I want to vote for him". Ya, you're in the wrong ward buddy. Another Ford Nation intellectual.
Royson James has an endorsement of Tory that just nails it.

It will be tough for Chow Nation to accept - they'll call him a sell-out and attack his position on strategic voting - but he's just dead on. For all the dead-eyed Chowites who are all hung up on how "John Tory doesn't believe in white privilege!"
The Chow fans will be very pissed with the Toronto Worker, um Star.

They have a great club, though the commute is a killer
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The Chow fans will be very pissed with the Toronto Worker, um Star.

The Star also had an editorial from Judy Rebick endorsing Chow with a totally trash piece (even from a feminist perspective). So the Star is trying to stay balanced. I think they pushed Chow as hard as they could, while trying to sound balanced. Didn't pan out as well as they hoped. And now they are backing off a bit.
I was voting last Sunday in Ward 10, and there was this guy who thought there was a problem with his ballot. I overheard him complaining to someone, saying "why is Rob Ford not on my list, I want to vote for him". Ya, you're in the wrong ward buddy. Another Ford Nation intellectual.
I heard people at the last provincial election who were looking for Robbie on the ballot. It is times like that when I think there needs to be a voter's test
