Developer: Dash Developments
Architect: Teeple Architects, Giovanni A. Tassone Architects
Address: 151 Avenue Rd, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: 136 ft / 41.45 mStoreys: 10 storeys
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Toronto Avenue 151 | 41.45m | 10s | Dash Developments | Teeple Architects


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Sep 3, 2008
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Yonge & Bloor
This site just south of Davenport was recently sold for $6m by DTZ Barnicke. Used to be a gas station. I was thinking 5-8 residential storeys with retail at grade.


$6M seems a bit cheap for a lot in that neck of the woods....Maybe the land is contaminated from when it was a gas station??????
$6M seems a bit cheap for a lot in that neck of the woods....Maybe the land is contaminated from when it was a gas station??????

I believe any land which had a gas station needs to be remediated, esp if converting to residential. That's probably a reason for the lower price.
Toronto Development Applications
Ward 27 - Tor & E.York District

Proposed 12 storey mixed use building with 94 residential dwelling units, consisting of 39 one bedroom units, 50 two bedroom units and 5 three bedroom units together with approximately 881 square metres of non residential gross floor area of retail/commercial space. The proposed total gross floor area is approximately 8424 square metres.

Type Number Date Submitted Status
Rezoning 13 223368 STE 27 OZ Aug 20, 2013 Under Review
Community Meeting: Re-Zoning Application for 143 Avenue Road

When: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 – 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Where: Church of the Redeemer, 162 Bloor Street West

The City has received a rezoning application to construct a new 12-story mixed use building. The total number of residential dwelling units is 94 with three levels of underground parking consisting of 67 vehicular parking spaces.
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The design is interesting but again, the retail is terrible. Developers seem to give very little thought to retail spaces. I guess they expect the tenant to animate the space but that frequently doesn't happen. Places like nail salons just throw up a very cheap sign, and away they go. We need to demand much better design and more interesting materials.
