Government vs. Private
I think this is a stunning building. I'm going to comment on the government vs. private sector observation. I think subsidized housing from the government has long taken risks that the private sector is reluctant to, because when it comes to a condo you have to essentially appeal to a large number of people who have many other housing options, not a great premise for risk taking. For government housing, the people who will live there are not your target audience, you only have to convince people within the Housing Corporation to like your design, which is easier. Of course, government housing can go badly wrong, but often it's been the best around, from a design perspective. In the 1990's, for instance, there are almost no multiple-unit buildings of note in the city, except for the great co-op boom of the Rae years which scattered small scale, nicely designed buildings, around the city. Nice to see some of that coming back, I look forward to the other buildings as well.