Developer: Toronto Community Housing Corporation
Architect: Teeple Architects
Address: 60 Richmond Street East, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Market-Rate Rental, Co-op)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2010
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 11 storeys
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Toronto 60 Richmond Street East | ?m | 11s | TCHC | Teeple Architects

Gorgeous. Very Dutch/German-looking building - an excellent example of the current architectural vernacular both here and elsewhere in the world, and a big improvement for the area. I would gladly take ten of these over one French Quarter any day!

I am also glad to be seeing more green roofs around the city!
With the right materials this building will turn out stunning. We seem to have reached a turning point in this city to move away from the same old same old designs.
Awesome design, and indeed very European. A welcomed change from the repetitive Clewes-esque box, and for affordable housing too! We could definitely use some more innovative designs like this.




Looks great, very LEGO. I know this applies to any project, but this is one where the execution is what will really make or break it. Done poorly, this could end up looking like a 60s British housing project... mostly concerned about the donut hole.

How long until we start hearing complaints about it from the print media folks who dislike anything modern?
This project looks and sounds amazing (although its hard to tell what street level will be like). Bring on the social housing, if all social housing takes these architectural leaps.
This project looks and sounds amazing (although its hard to tell what street level will be like). Bring on the social housing, if all social housing takes these architectural leaps.

lol I agree! Maybe Regent Park will hold a design competition for a new building in the future. That would be something!

They did for the largest Phase 1 buildling - aA won that design competition. I believe TCHC is looking at that model for each phase?

I'm no horticulturalist but I'm going to go out on a limb and say spreading grass inside that inner courtyard isn't going to work too well. Hopefully that is just an over-simplified rendering. The building looks great though. What building is this replacing?
I like this one alot, esp. the second and third image. Size and scale differences aside, I like this better than N-Blox. Plus it will have a larger impact on they city.
Government vs. Private

I think this is a stunning building. I'm going to comment on the government vs. private sector observation. I think subsidized housing from the government has long taken risks that the private sector is reluctant to, because when it comes to a condo you have to essentially appeal to a large number of people who have many other housing options, not a great premise for risk taking. For government housing, the people who will live there are not your target audience, you only have to convince people within the Housing Corporation to like your design, which is easier. Of course, government housing can go badly wrong, but often it's been the best around, from a design perspective. In the 1990's, for instance, there are almost no multiple-unit buildings of note in the city, except for the great co-op boom of the Rae years which scattered small scale, nicely designed buildings, around the city. Nice to see some of that coming back, I look forward to the other buildings as well.
