Developer: Rockport Group
Architect: RAW Design
Address: 829 St Clair Ave W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: 121 ft / 36.88 mStoreys: 9 storeys
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Toronto Nest Condos | 36.88m | 9s | Rockport Group | RAW Design


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Feb 27, 2012
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I can't make new threads so I'll throw it up here.

KEYreit yesterday sold 829 St. Clair Ave W (the KFC) to Rockport Group who have also bought the baptist tabernacle and the bakery next to that site (833 and 835 St. Clair Avenue West) to build a new condo development. KEYreit will have 1st right on the new 11,000 sq.ft. of retail on the ground floor. The plan is for 9 stories and 125 suites.
Great news! That KFC has been a suburban eyesore on St. Clair for years. Hopefully Patachou has plans to find another spot in the area though.
Great news! That KFC has been a suburban eyesore on St. Clair for years. Hopefully Patachou has plans to find another spot in the area though.

There are plenty of interesting sites they could go to on that strip. Pretty much across the street under the Bravia Dance studio (beside the old blockbuster) would suit them well.
^ Speaking of which, I saw a couple of leasing signs by Main and Main Developments on several storefronts beside the Bravia. Perhaps there has been land assembly going on in preparation for a future redevelopment of that block.

I've noticed that as well. The Bravia Building is Main & Main too. Main & main is First Capital Realty, so there is a grander plan in place I'm sure. Those buildings along with the Blockbuster and No Frills would be a pretty huge site.
Nice, I like the stylish series of stacked elements. Just wished the grey and white was replaced by fresh splashes of color (blue, lime green, or orange?).
Application: Zoning Review Status: Not Started

Location: 829 ST CLAIR AVE W

Ward 21: St. Paul's

Application#: 13 253566 ZPR 00 ZR Accepted Date: Oct 21, 2013

Project: Multiple-Use Building New Building

Description: Proposal to construct a 10-storey mixed-use commercial residential building with retail at grade, 122 residential dwelling units and a 3 level below parking structure with a total of 74 vehicle parking spaces and 98 bicycle parking spaces.
I quite like this, though it seems a bit unwieldy and heavy at the top. Perhaps the top levels of stacked boxes could be given a bit of a setback to reduce their visual weight. And yes, a splash of colour seems like a perfect fit here. Either that or make all the extruded boxes black and white (no gray), and save the gray for the masonry/precast portion towards the back.

Just my $0.02- or I guess $0.05 now that we've phased out the penny (gotta stay current).
