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Search results

  1. A

    Scarborough Photographs: Then and Now

  2. A

    Lesser recognized buildings in Toronto that you enjoy

    Is this one of those Starlight Properties hackjobs?
  3. A

    Abandoned or neglected buildings in Toronto

    It isn't. I went there to pick up a delivery last week.
  4. A

    Miscellany Toronto Photographs: Then and Now

    TBH and to a casual observer, it doesn't come across as *that* horrid, Urbancorp collapse or no--I've seen many a school-site or brownfields-infill street schlockier than this. (Unless the self-conscious neo-modern avoidance of spec-build schlock is part of the problem.)
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    Toronto Ontario Place | ?m | ?s | Infrastructure ON

    If anything, it's about its having more of a "integral and fluid extension of the Ontario Place concept" element to it--and as I suggested re the water features as some kind of "beginning of the end" moment, the *original* Children's Village had a reassuring come-as-you-are, leave-as-you-are...
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    Toronto Ontario Place | ?m | ?s | Infrastructure ON

    And on that Joe Blow historically-boneheaded mediocre-amateur architectural judgment note, I think you've blown yourself out of the argument--particularly relative to the forces rallying on behalf of *both* Ontario Place *and* the Ontario Science Centre. Oh, and BTW, even if the setting's...
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    Toronto Ontario Place | ?m | ?s | Infrastructure ON

    And to elaborate on the culturally-bereft POV: let's remember that Ford's a jock. He views things through the prism of sporting and entertainment venues as "infrastructure". It's a realm where stadiums serve for 30 years before being imploded, once something "newer" and "fresher" takes its...
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    Toronto Ontario Place | ?m | ?s | Infrastructure ON

    And I think that's often the case, particularly these days: a sort of "accidental cultural throttling", often under the well-meaning notion that it's actually *beneficial* to the kids. But again, it's also in how totally-immersive, safe-play-zone entropic and inert--even beyond Science...
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    Toronto Ontario Place | ?m | ?s | Infrastructure ON

    Though as per my point, maybe it's not just about super-specifically *kid*-oriented attractions. Like, when you speak of re going to Wonderland at 5 or 6, I could just as well speak of re going to *Yorkdale* at 5 or 6--and there was a symbiotic getting-there and once-there pleasure to *that*...
  10. A

    Miscellany Toronto Photographs: Then and Now

    It definitely is; but 50 years ago it operated on more of an IDA-style "franchise" level (until recently, the drug store on the E side of Roncy N of Queen bore a 50-years-old-or-so Rexall sign). Then it basically became a zombie brand until being domestically rebooted in the 90s and ultimately...
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    Toronto Ontario Place | ?m | ?s | Infrastructure ON

    It's not just a matter of "appreciating architecture"; it's a matter of appreciating a sense of place and the richness of the world. And beyond the fact that the urban scale around Norton Place Park is different from that around High Park, the thing is--for me, it wasn't just about walking west...
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    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    If by "destroyed", one means Alf Landon-style, or Barry Goldwater-style, or even Bob Dole-style--that's all but nil. But that's not a synonym for "defeated".
  13. A

    Toronto Ontario Place | ?m | ?s | Infrastructure ON

    If you're arguing that the only alibi on behalf of the OP Forum was "nostalgia" and its replacement is "better", then you just don't get it.
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    Toronto Ontario Place | ?m | ?s | Infrastructure ON

    Actually, "family friendly waterpark" wouldn't really be that much better, under the circumstances, particularly given the preexisting facilities we're dealing with. Remember what I've said before about Great Wolf Lodge as some kind of Thing That Ate Niagara Falls. Or, for that matter, what...
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    Mayor Olivia Chow's Toronto

    Another thing to remember: not everyone drinks, or at least internalizes "liquid pleasure" as a must-have. And they might still view the issue through the prism of having witnessed bums with liquor bottles on the subway, etc.
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    Ontario Legislative Building Restoration

    True, but it's more like poetic justice. DoFo must be saying: "Eureka! Now we can call it the *Ontario* Congress Centre!"
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    Ontario Legislative Building Restoration

    Well, semi-seriously, I can picture DoFo offering to retrofit the Toronto Congress Centre for legislative purposes. Yeah, Dixon & 27 is the boondocks, but...
  18. A

    Miscellany Toronto Photographs: Then and Now

    Would the "before" be around 1988/89 or so? That looks like one of those hipster-baiting Black Label wall ads...
  19. A

    Toronto 160 Front West | 239.87m | 46s | Cadillac Fairview | AS + GG

    As an old-fashioned casual urban architectural tourist of the pre-Y2K free-range sort, here's a bit of "new reality" that saddened me when I passed by the ground floor lobby a week or two ago: how it'd appear that the upper floors are inaccessible to all but passholders. That is, the "full...
  20. A

    Lesser recognized buildings in Toronto that you enjoy

    From the curvilinearity to the perforated brick balcony blocks, it owes a fair bit to this
