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  1. golodhendil

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The "festival... of Japanese film" took place at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre up at Don Mills and Eglinton; it may not be the heart of suburbia but it's definitely quite a bit north of Queen. And I'm also pretty sure the majority of the 99 libraries, 1600 parks and 51 rinks are outside...
  2. golodhendil

    Transit Glossary

    People call it the T, the same way they call any of the heavy rail lines (basically no Bostonian would use the term "subway"). Officially the main underground portion of the Green Line is the "Central Subway", though the term is really used only in official documents or announcements. When...
  3. golodhendil

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Had a chance to chat with Joe Clark and Dalton McGuinty down here yesterday, and the topic of Ford came up. Both of them seem certain that Rob Ford is a passing thing and that it doesn't reflect much about underlying issues/trends in the Torontonian (or Canadian) electorate. Maybe this is just...
  4. golodhendil

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Chow appeals to the tens of thousands of Torontonians in Hong Kong to help defeat Ford:
  5. golodhendil

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Sounds about right. Coming from a city state where the government does little of anything by way of society building (minimal support for culture or research or even active business-promoting policies of any kind; minimal social safety net) and collects almost no personal taxes and yet had...
  6. golodhendil

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    I don't know the exact reasons either (I guess I could ask my mother, but we've already had quite a few arguments in the past several months regarding Ford and politics so I would prefer not to). If I were to hazard a guess, I would say it's probably because the majority of suburban...
  7. golodhendil

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    As a few forumers have pointed out before either on this thread or the RoFo one, Chow isn't a shoo-in for the "Chinese vote", because for one reason or another she isn't particularly highly regarded in (at least parts of) the Chinese community. Granted this is only from personal experience and...
  8. golodhendil

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Perhaps. But she did say she liked Bob Rae (was in his riding), found him to be frank and to-the-point.
  9. golodhendil

    2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

    Was talking to a fellow Torontonian colleague today and the topic of the mayoral election came up. Now this person is a fairly typical well-educated bike-riding downtown "elitist", despises Rob Ford, and staunchly liberal/progressive. But she also said that she doesn't like Olivia Chow. When I...
  10. golodhendil

    TTC: Redesigning TTC Signage

    So if/when the SRT is replaced with a BD extension, will "3" be retired to leave a gap in numbering, or will everything move down a number? (or I guess, it can be taken up by the DRL eventually)
  11. golodhendil

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Just saw the book at Coles at Fairview Mall, going for 40% off marked price, front and centre at the store's entrance.
  12. golodhendil

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Nope, it almost certainly is. Which is fine, as it does provide a sort of dissident voice. But for the majority (at least until recent years) of Chinese Canadians who originated not from Mainland China but instead from HK, Taiwan or SE Asia, Falun Gong and their associates are treated more...
  13. golodhendil

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Chinese electronic media in Canada, in general, is notoriously conservative, on both economic and social matters. Basically every mainstream Chinese-language TV and radio station across the country (except for "community stations" like OMNI) is either fully or partly owned by one corporation...
  14. golodhendil

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    NYC's Bill de Blasio and Boston's Martin Walsh were both sworn in as mayors during the first week of the new year. Though inauguration speeches are more often lofty rhetoric than anything, I can't help but be struck by the contrast of de Blasio and Walsh's speeches, on one hand, and the "speech"...
  15. golodhendil

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    To bring back up what I posted several hundred pages earlier:
  16. golodhendil

    Toronto via YouTube

    Last weekend Buffer Festival was held in Toronto, which is a gathering/showcase for Youtube vloggers and personalities. Philly-based daily vloggers Jesse and Jeana (from the channels BFvsGF and PrankvsPrank) spent a few days in town and posted some videos of them at various Toronto locales /...
  17. golodhendil

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    During my google-sleuthing, found that Dovigi once dabbled in entertainment industry with his No Good TV (apparently an online channel specializing in vulgar and violent stuff). Here's the IPO that they filed at Nasdaq in 2006 before going bankrupt...
  18. golodhendil

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    ... an underground fight club?
  19. golodhendil

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So, back to some (hopefully not too distasteful) speculation re: the supposed sex tape. This may all be grasping at straws, but... Does anyone remember back in May, in the midst of the crack story breaking, the news about a body in garbage bag that was pulled up from the harbour? In Aug...
  20. golodhendil

    I.M. Pei skyscraper in HK to be demolished (The article is in Chinese, but a less detailed English article can be found here) The...
