News   Sep 06, 2024
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News   Sep 06, 2024
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News   Sep 06, 2024
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  1. M

    Canada removes U.S., Israel from torture watchlist

    Canada's use of torture is well-known ... but we are trying to hide it. Is that better? Only we do it by handing 'em over...
  2. M

    Winter In the Kingsway

    I took this picture of the bridge over the Humber near my house. I always liked that bridge - there is something very pleasing about its purportions. As for this winter scene, I particularly like the reflected light under the arches.
  3. M

    TDSB Ponders Black-Focused Schools

    There is indeed a first-nations focused school; and it is a horrible failure. The argument as to why it is a failure is that the province, in spite of its promises, failed to provide sufficient resources. Thing is, I am not convinced that resources alone is...
  4. M

    35 Church: Rx for a sick condo lobby

    Heh, I looked at the "before" and "after" lobby pics, can't say as I thought the "after" was obviously better.
  5. M

    TDSB Ponders Black-Focused Schools

    I do not believe that this initiative will work, but I sincerely hope that I am wrong and it does.
  6. M

    Jewelry Stores?

    I wonder if anyone has some info about stores that sell interesting and unusual jewelry designs. I'm looking for stuff that is neither cheap nor horribly expensive - say in the $2,000 - $4,000 for a pair of earings range (though obviously if interesting stuff is cheaper, I'll not turn my...
  7. M

    The Kingsway

    Thanks, Jarrek. I know that the walls have the arches over the windows, but I've never closely examined the rows of bricks themselves. The house was built in 1932, so I suspect that the brick walls hold up the house.
  8. M

    The Kingsway

    Apparently, it's the way the walls were originally made. Old houses built before around 1940 allegedly do not have the type of regular wall cavities (created by predictable framing) required for this procedure. I'm just repeating what I was told, I'm certainly not an expert on the matter.
  9. M

    The Kingsway

    It seems to be more a question of overall style than one of craftsmanship. It is difficult for me to explain, as I'm no builder, but each house in the area is somewhat different, while maintaining an overall similarity in theme. They are often assymetric or otherwise irregular, but it works -...
  10. M

    The Kingsway

    I know about that; I asked an 'expert' and was told that houses built in this era are apparently not suitable for that procedure.
  11. M

    The Kingsway

    There is certainly some of that about. So far, not a whole lot, thankfully. Owning an original 1932 house myself, I can sort of understand why people would want to do it. The houses are beautiful inside and out, but they are 80 or so years old, which makes them expensive to upkeep - generally...
  12. M

    Winter In the Kingsway

    That's my boy. ;) Here is is clearing our car (my wife is helping him a little): And here he is at Grandpa's, shovelling his drive: He's learning to work hard! I'll have to give him an allowance soon.
  13. M

    New Photos & First HDR!

    Those are truly very beautiful. Are you a professional photographer?
  14. M

    Winter In the Kingsway

    Here are a couple of winter pictures. I love the look of fresh-fallen snow on trees:
  15. M

    Royson James: No Easy Fix For What Ails T.O.

    Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I think that the media is making a bigger deal of alleged dangers than actually exists. I've walked around Toronto my whole life, and never particularly felt threatened.
  16. M

    The Kingsway

    Not sure I agree with that. Each situation has to be looked at individually; in this case, they are seemingly doing more than simply putting up a building fronting the street, it would appear they are encroaching into the neighbourhood as well - at least, according to what I've read.
  17. M

    The Kingsway

    Yeah, I'm only tangentally aware of this particular development. Of course I've been by, but I don't know exactly what is planned (other than what's available in the articles and on the web). I'm located at the other end of the Kingsway, so it won't directly affect me either way.
  18. M

    The Kingsway

    Yeah, I agree with this. My remarks were particular to a residential neighbourhood whose distinctive or attractive feature is its unique streetscape.
  19. M

    The Kingsway

    I thought, at least from what I read, that the objections to it are three-fold: 1. Putting a large (originally, 10-story) building on the main street would in effect overshadow the neighbourhood. 2. The building would in fact project into the low-rise neighbourhood, as the developers have...
  20. M

    The Kingsway

    I live in the Kingsway, though closer to Bloor than Dundas. I'm sort of agnostic about the proposed development, as it will not really affect me. I'm a bit puzzled by the "bullshit NIMBYism" comments. I can certainly understand why people would not want condos and yet more condos stuffed...
