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  1. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    ^ Canada In September 2006 an Ipsos-Reid poll found that 22 percent of Canadians believe "the attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, had nothing to do with Osama bin Laden and were actually a plot by influential Americans."[20]
  2. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    Then it would hinge on one's definition of "lots". I am not part of that group, but I would certainly think that hundreds of thousands of people would constitute "lots". If one is to believe some of the polls taken then that number would be well into the millions.
  3. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    I don't know how comfortable I feel having others put words into my mouth... I have stated that religion makes extraordinary claims but offers zero proof of them. We know that Hitler staged the Reichstag fire, we know that the US stood down when Pearl Harbour was attacked (after which the US...
  4. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    LOL, you'll see on the 9/11 thread that I am not sure what happened. What does being an atheist have to do with believing that our political and monetary systems are easily corruptable? I know many people of many different faiths who feel the same way. Do you honestly believe that the IMF and...
  5. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    I don't have proof, but I would never claim that to be a fact. I would claim evolution to be a fact. There's a huge difference. Lots of people think 9/11 was an inside job, lots of people don't... Does their position on that matter discredit everything else they think or believe? I'm not...
  6. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    An Atheist disbelieves or denies the existence of god (or at least god as described by any person or religion). Agnostics don't know, think it's impossible to ever know or simply don't care. Neither one accepts the fact that god is the creator of all life.
  7. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    I think most Muslims, like most Christians are well-adjusted, law-abiding citizens... I'm actually of the belief that most terrorist cells are government funded (or entirely gov't created, like Al Qaeda). That doesn't mean their members still don't believe in killing in the name of god. There...
  8. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    ^ Those with a strong religious faith certainly don't doubt. Most just accept what they were spoon fed from birth. Scientists don't blindly accept their findings and must subject them through rigorous peer review. Even if a scientist were acting in poor faith, unless there was a conspiracy...
  9. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    Doesn't the process of peer review alleviate such concerns?
  10. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    L.O.L. to that, I've been a UT member long before this turkey... anywho back to the discussion :D
  11. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    Why wouldn't they come from people? Just as in my example, the lions learned their morals from lions... and in some cases certain species learn to depend on each other through mutually beneficial relationships (such as fish who enter another's mouth to clean their teeth and get a meal out of...
  12. W

    Great Films! Comment or Suggest Some....

    I second An Education, terrific. I saw I Killed My Mother at varsity last night... absolutely fantastic stuff for a 19 year old Montreal filmmaker...
  13. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    I agree that's fair. It's obvious that you and hipster have a profound understanding of philosophy and science and since there's very few things I understand so well (obviously not being either of those subjects) I can really appreciate your knowledge. However, I do disagree with some of your...
  14. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    No, I'd just as rather not engage you any further. You're hell bent on your idea that philosophy, a human construct of all things can be certain that we can't be certain, and you see no problems with this. Ironic isn't it? I've never made any bold claims that haven't been echo'd by those much...
  15. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    You make it seem like science operates in its own little bubble and is oblivious to everything else. You're right, it is a human construct, I'm just saying the burden of proof is equal to or better than any other discipline... While science is a very young field, can you name a single...
  16. W

    Automobiles that are "MADE IN CANADA" and were only sold there also...

    Isn't there a BC based electric car company that Ontario refuses to allow entry into our marketplace?
  17. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    Not at all (we should always use our own judgement when being skeptical of anything), I'm merely suggesting that scientific theories are subject to the highest burden of proof, if one cannot have faith in them, then there's very little we should have faith in. I see a fact as an event or...
  18. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    Science can be swayed by political interest... I agree that there is a real lopsided approach being taken to global warming as a political agenda is funding work that supports global warming, but is neglecting to answer the calls of the many scientists who say they can make a solid case that...
  19. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    I think I know what my own thread was about and stated just that with the first post... I think you still don't understand the use of the word theory. It refers to a WORKING FRAMEWORK. Something that has been tested, verified and repeated time and time again. There are few other theories in...
  20. W

    Creationism vs Evolution

    Evolution does NOT explain how life began and it does not attempt to explain how life began. There for it is not merely an alternative to creationism as you suggest, it's an explanation of how life evolved into its current state AFTER the event that first triggered life on this planet had...
