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  1. O

    Hume Say Nash latest to refuse Toronto

    Was reading the comments on the star article and was wondering are Canadians not from Toronto really that bored that they clog up the Toronto Star comments section with constant insults for Toronto or are Torontonians that self loathing? i.e.: the city shuts down at 10p.m, there's nothing new...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I've already started hording all the plastic bags I can get my greedy little hands on, and then I'm going to sell them back to the poor plastic bag addicts out of the back of my car come 2013, at a huge profit!
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    Church-Wellesley Village

    XL has been closed for years. And the Roxy went away not long after. New York is hurting for big gay clubs too for a city of its size. Except for a smattering of Latino venues.
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    Toronto non-mall retail (Odds & Ends)

    And they don't ship to Canada via their website. I visited a bunch in Argentina, but weirdly, they didn't have a great selection outside of polos. Not like the the 6th Avenue store in New York which carries virtually the whole line.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This seems like a really disingenuous attempt to raise his popularity numbers and direct the focus off his inability to govern. But of course the media is all abuzz about it -especially the Sun and any outlet owned by CTV. It's such an insult to the general voters' intelligence.
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    Rob Ford and Pride

    Rob Ford has the maturity level of bacteria. "I don't want to attend Pride so I don't have to!" "I became Mayor to enrich my developer friends not because I wanted to govern or accept the responsibilities of public office!"
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    Rob Ford and Pride

    So by your logic I guess health insurers could start to discriminate based on race or genetics, since Asians are more likely to be afflicted with disease A, and African Americans with Disease B and those of European or whatever ancestry disease C and D etc. I'm the last person to sympathize...
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    National Geographic: St. Lawrence Market the world's best

    You may eat all the puppies you want, in Asia. Dog eating is not acceptable here (whether legal or not) and to make it so is taking cultural relativism to a place most Canadians would not be comfortable with. And the St. Lawrence Market is a pretty nifty gem for this city and yeah meat is...
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    National Geographic: St. Lawrence Market the world's best

    It's not hypocritical because the issue is not black and white. In most cultures east and west dogs have been a part of human existence as companions or service animals for many thousands of years. And in western culture they are considered an extension of our humanity, by many. So our cultural...
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    National Geographic: St. Lawrence Market the world's best

    kkgg7, try to keep your cultural chauvinism to a minimum... Most westerners don't enjoy having their food butchered in front of them. So other than seafood, anything with feathers or a hide is usually dead once it hits the market and the majority of Torontonians are ok with this. I remember...
  11. O

    Why does Toronto always dominate the best cities list???

    I'd rather Toronto be used as a stand in for Toronto, than New York. You can always tell when it's not NYC, because in reality the cities look nothing like each other -unless your film is set in Queens, then maybe... For rep cinema, New York has some good options. Like the IFC theater and the...
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    Why does Toronto always dominate the best cities list???

    It's not so much amusing as sad and scary and often infuriating. But I guess it all comes down to the weird and wonderful mosaic that is our town!
  13. O

    OLG Toronto/GTA casino proposal (where to put it?)

    I wish they'd put a 3 season amusement park on the waterfront. And maybe some good restaurants.
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    Why does Toronto always dominate the best cities list???

    Um, I enjoy karaoke a lot and do it with groups of friends at least once a month. Anyway, you can live almost anywhere but I do think visiting places is another thing all together. I was recently in Buenos Aires and frankly after about 3 days was bored and ready to move on. I've decided I...
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    Why does Toronto always dominate the best cities list???

    To each his own I suppose. I find Asian cities utterly dull. If shopping and eating are your raison d'etre, then they're passable. Again, it might just be it's a culture I don't wish to immerse myself in but truthfully a small nonentity, globally speaking, city like New Orleans offers me more...
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    Barney's is fairly high end. But Barney's Coop is slightly lower priced and geared to a younger customer. The issue with Ogilvy was its business model. A majority of their floor space was given over to leased departments.
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    Nordstrom is the branch between say a Holt Renfrew and a Bay (before the redo). That said I'm not always a fan of their product, especially for men. It's a lot of obscure but not very design-y clothing or private label crap. I'd be more excited about a Barney's COOp or even a Uniqlo. Oh, and...
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    The Upper Beach(es)

    "Upper Beaches" is a real estate agent term. It didn't come into vogue until the late 80s / early 90s. Until that era and I know this from growing up there, it was called East Toronto (and anyone growing up there would have known this because it was part of your elementary school education -not...
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    Where is "downtown Toronto"?

    Anything north of Bloor feels uptown for me -it's where Yonge Street improves and loses the dinge quality. But also the street begins to incline upward.
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    Too Many Condos?

    New York City has its own income tax. So you pay federal, state and city tax there. Not sure about other metropolitan areas but certainly none of the others I've lived in in the U.S. had a city tax like NYC.
