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Search results

  1. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm voting for him again, he's done a better job running this city then any mayor I remember, I know the elitists on this board will cry foul but he's put this city back on a proper fiscal track. Funny how when Ford was championing subways lefty self serving councilors like Stintz said...
  2. M

    OneCity Plan

    So now subways are good enough for Scarborough after we told by these jokers Stintz and De Baeremaeker that "we cant afford subways" and "Scarborough doesn’t need subways"....can't wait to clear the council of these self serving clowns
  3. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Meanwhile Toronto has posted a surplus in the 70-90million dollar range, haters can focus on his weight, voters will focus on his ability to finally get city finances back on track.
  4. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    City staff said city cleaners are paid about $26 an hour, or $32 when benefits are factored in, which amounts to about $49,000 a year, or $64,000 with benefits. The market rate is about $17 an hour.....Thats taken from a National Post article, i can provide the link if you would like crd108. I...
  5. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm quite open to numerous ways of generating cash when it comes to subway in this city. Personally I’m not against raising taxes or implementing tolls if they were dedicated to improving transit. If you want to talk fiscally responsible then explain how you can defend council voting against...
  6. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    No one is paying me, wow Relax. Like I said I get this board is anti-Ford and I understand you have a hard time accepting the fact that people voted him in but please respect the democratic process. Just because it didn’t work the way you wanted to or that certain residents of the city were...
  7. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don’t think Stintz would be the answer, a lot of residents won’t ever forgive her for what she did along Sheppard. I think she'd be an easy target for the those in the burbs to mobilize against. I honestly don’t think there is anyone from the current crop that really inspires, because of...
  8. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So if you thought that was my point why did you ask? Honestly just trying to add some balance to a pretty biased thread, just because you don’t agree with what I said doesn’t mean you have to react in a snarky or sarcastic tone. Anyways have a great day.
  9. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    As Mayor, Miller grew the city’s operating budget by 44 per cent, $2.8 billion, increased the city’s debt by more than $1 billion and increased property taxes every year well beyond the rate of inflation. Ford has successfully fought and beat the unions, reduced the city budget for the first...
  10. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I love how you Ford bashers ignore the $285 million dollar surplus. Proper fiscal policy may not be your concern but for the majority of Torontonians who voted for him it sure is. I'm glad to see there is someone out there handling business and not wasting tax payer money. Make fun of him all...
  11. M

    Rob Ford and Pride

    The reason Ford will win again is because people like myself will vote for him. For the first time since I can remember we have a reduced budget, no labor disruptions, and a person actually championing subways and fighting for anyone who lives north of Bloor. Not only will he win re-election...
  12. M

    What is Toronto's Worst Neighbourhood?

    1) Rosedale...Most paranoid residents in toronto, sitting around worring about R/E values anytime they see a toyota in their hood 2) Forest Hill... Tackiest Mcmansions you ever saw. No taste or sense of style 3) Any neighborhood in Mississauga... A bunch of loser kids smoking weed in their...
  13. M

    Toronto and London Stock Exchanges to merge?

    I have no clue why no one on this forum cares so little about this deal, everyone obesses over sidewalks and colours of glass on crappy condos but this deal could be one of the most important things to happen to this city in a long time. The financial industry which is basically the reason this...
  14. M

    A theory about Rob Ford's support base

    Well said archanfel, many people on this board act as if all South Asians or anyone who didnt vote Smitherman is homophobic, anti-diversity, and anti-urban. Thats not the case at all, people want change, and there were serious issues at city hall and a messege needed to be sent. Please...
  15. M

    A theory about Rob Ford's support base

    Do you people even know any south asians? As a second generation indo-canadian I can't begin to tell you how wrong you are, there is an overwhelming support for the diversity in this city, can you maybe understand that perhaps people voted ford not because they are bigots but because they are...
  16. M

    Next Mayor of Toronto?

    So glad to have Ford in office, there is so much waste in this city and such neglect of anything north of bloor when it comes to services i'm glad things will even out some.
  17. M

    Next Mayor of Toronto?

    Cant wait for Ford to win, the suburbs have been forgotten by city hall for so many years now hopefully that can change and we can see some benefits of all of the tax increases to fund everything south of bloor. The way you paint Ford supporters some of you should honestly be ashamed of...
  18. M

    Next Mayor of Toronto?

    Name a greater failure then this: - flunked high school - retail clerk - hard drug user for 5 (read 10) years - ran Hall's campaign high - first to worst - Health Minister ridicules elderly, sues autistic parents, massive corruption in eHealth and Cancer Care with no inquiries, hundreds...
  19. M

    Blue Jays

    Anyone going to the game tommorrow? I'm heading down with the gf, my best friend works at the new era store at rogers so he's gonna hang out with me to, if anyones around lets grab a beer!
  20. M

    Soccer pubs?

    Hey guys, i am a huge fan of the english premiership and a huge Arsenal supporter, usually i just watch my matches and other english premiership matches in general at home on satellite t.v. but i was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for cool places to watch a game and have a beer with...
