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  1. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And you would convict on circumstantial evidence at best? Innocent until proven guilty.
  2. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    sixrings, I answered earlier, I don’t believe a tape exists therefore I ay 0% and I would probably still support Ford considering the alternatives to him...IE Chow. Give me a better candidate to vote for, perhaps a John Tory and I would be swayed.
  3. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    But then why not buy the tape then and there? The Star would have LOVED to nail Ford, and for 200k they could have. You’re going to expect me to believe they passed on that opportunity for what...moral reasons? The Star is nothing more than a tabloid, I don’t buy that for a second. Unlike you...
  4. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    James_D, stop being a jerk, I don’t think the tape exists, I just said the Star should have bought the alleged tape that THEY claim to have seen (whatever is on it) instead of running this tabloid story with NO real evidence to back it up. As for supporting Ford if there was a tape (which I...
  5. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don’t think a tape exists, therefore I will say 0%. A video like this would not take this long to surface if it existed, the money was raised by Gawker and every reporter in Toronto was looking for it yet it seemed to “disappear”, honestly if the Star had any balls, it would have bought the...
  6. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So where is the video?! It’s being referred to as “alleged” for a reason because NO ONE can confirm it exists, honestly until anyone objective I.E. NOT biased star reporters or “so-called” drug dealer chatter which cannot be confirmed by anyone other than “anonymous sources” can come forward...
  7. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You can smell the desperation of the anti-Ford types, can’t beat him at the polls, can’t beat him in the courts and can’t topple/frame him with fake criminal tapes and investigations. Stay classy and keep throwing drinks. Ask anyone who attended the taste of Italy festival this wknd, the crowd...
  8. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Back under the rock? LOL, sure pal, my voice was heard when Ford got elected and will be heard again when he gets re-elected, then we will see who goes back under their rock. The fact is there is ZERO evidence linking Ford to anything, just 2 reporters from that joke of a newspaper the Star...
  9. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Go under my rock why? Because I support the mayor and most of this board does not? No thanks, i'll hang around. Tell me why i sound ridiculous? I dont see you commenting on the anti-Ford haters with thier name calling and fake accusations.
  10. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Meanwhile the mayor of Montreal actually gets arrested for something...Ford haters should look at Montreal if they want to crucify a politician, instead you keep writing about a fake tape in hopes of getting him doesn’t exist so get over it.
  11. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Bring it on, because there is a whole bunch of us on the other side of the fence just as ready and willing to organize against the side that almost bankrupted this city and turned city hall it into a corrupt entitled fiefdom.
  12. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Scrap the land transfer tax? I wish. I mean downtowners wont care but residents in the northern end of the city along Steeles are seeing their homes passed over for cheaper alternatives across the street because of this cash grab. But at the very least a reduction would be nice, but even with...
  13. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This fake tape is only strengthening Ford's base, over the past few days I have heard more and more people rallying in his defense, the Star is losing its credibility as a once decent paper in this battle, it’s basically a tabloid mag now. Waiting to hear what new rumors the Ford haters try to...
  14. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Meanwhile no tape...just the Star and the Ford haters trying to drum up support for a cause Torontonians don’t even care about. Heaven forbid we elect someone who asks what these people do in city hall all day...gimme an election NOW so we can settle this once and for all...The Toronto Star is...
  15. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The same guys ripping on Ford for acting classless respond with this junk? I mean I guess if you cant beat him at the polls and cant knock him with all the fake accusations just resort to the lowest common denominator huh? Too bad he has a great chance at re-election, cant wait to see to the...
  16. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And yet I like a vast number of Torontonians support him now more than ever. Its clear that trying to clean up 50 years of leftist, elitist, corruption in this city has scared many into trying to crucify this guy, but its not working and that must be so frustrating for the anti-Ford types on...
  17. M

    So why is North York so Expensive? And Scarborough so cheap?

    What does that even mean? Anyways if your referring to crime, statistics usually point to Scarborough with a lower rate than the rest of the city, but some people will always let the media skew their views or be scared of their own shadows.
  18. M

    So why is North York so Expensive? And Scarborough so cheap?

    Wow, some seriously ignorant people on these threads...
  19. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Is it so hard to believe that Ford has such strong support? Numbers don’t lie, the Forum Research poll on CP24 shows strong support for the mayor...surely CP24 has no reason to pump the mayor up.
  20. M

    Toronto The Dineen Building | ?m | 5s | Commercial Realty G. | George Robb

    Put Adma on ignore and it makes threads so much more enjoyable.
