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  1. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Oh, the preliminary hearing resumes in April. The trial won't begin until later. Goldsbie tweeted that the earliest that would begin is in the fall.
  2. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Lisi's drug trial has been going on all this week. It continues in April. I was in court today. It was mostly uneventful. An undercover cop was on the stand all day.
  3. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Imagine if it had said "brazen 3".
  4. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I can't tell if this headline is a mistake or if CP2Ford honestly believes that Lisi and Ford aren't friends anymore. Drug trial for former friend of Rob Ford expected to begin today
  5. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Lisi had a conspiracy charge against him dropped today. Canadian Press reported that "Prosecutor Kerry Benzakein told court she was withdrawing the conspiracy charge and suggested she might be willing to drop the possession charge as well." Lack of evidence or was a deal made? I wonder.
  6. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Court seems to be in session still. Lisi isn't there, though. Apparently he suffers from vertigo and has been throwing up. Is that true, Jimmi T? Vertigo?
  7. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Apparently Lisi is sick this morning. They may try again this afternoon or tomorrow.
  8. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    When I was in court the one day there was someone sitting in front of me on his laptop (mystery guy was checking UT). He could have easily been filming with his webcam.
  9. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I wonder if the police wanted to interview Ford. I wonder if he rejected that request.
  10. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I saw video of Ford at the scene and the guy he was with didn't look like David Price. Speaking of video, here's Rob in Jamaica:
  11. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Pretty sure Ford won't be leaving court to go coach football like he's done in the past :)
  12. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Kevin Donovan's working on a book, as well. Although, the topic is Ghomeshi, not Ford.
  13. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    According to Amazon Canada, Oct. 6 2015 is the release date. But, of course, that date may change.
  14. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Ford doesn't go out for lunch because “If we go outside, all we’re going to do is take pictures. We won’t have a lunch". So, he can get his staffers to go out and get him booze but not lunch? Interesting.
  15. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    For what it's worth, back in November of 2013, MetroMan posted "It's being circulated amongst media sources that the second digital video is indeed a sex tape... Somebody set up the Mayor for the purpose of extortion."
  16. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I always find it amusing when the media includes "more to come" at the end of a breaking news story/tweet. I know they mean there's more to the story but to me, looking at that tweet above, it's as if they're saying there's more shootings to come. So there's been two shootings in the area. One...
  17. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    No, maybe Ann Hui misspoke out of habit. Dan Jacobs, his former chief-of-staff is executive assistant, Graeme is the constituency assistant, the special assistant is David Dipaul, and the administrative assistant is Judith Williams...
  18. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Soooooo......what was in the envelope, Sandro? We won't tell anyone, we promise.
  19. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Is anyone else here blocked by Warren Kinsella? I have no idea why I am. I've never tweeted him.
  20. D

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    To be fair, Tory's only been on the job for 101 days. Let's come back after one year and see if he's smoking hash to deal with the stress at City Hall, or at least battling a crippling addiction to cough syrup :p
